Nothing is as fun as finding an old picture of yourself. You are reminded of how young and fresh you were. Sometimes, it can be fun because of outfits that were popular at that time, but now are something that nobody would wear. Did you ever think about how members of royal families from all over the world looked when they were teenagers? Say no more, we are going to provide you with just that. Without further ado, let us begin.

1. Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth the second is the longest-reigning monarch in the history of the United Kingdom. Here’s an image of her when she was just 14 years old. Remember, this was 1940.

2. Prince Charles

If you take a look at an image of Prince Charles when he was younger, you will see that he didn’t change that much. In this picture when he was 15 years old, it is clearly seen that this is him.

3. King Willem-Alexander

The monarch that reigns over the Netherlands for six years now was a pretty cheerful young boy. In this image, you can see him when he was 16 years old.

4. Princess Victoria of Sweden

The heir to the throne of Sweden is a very popular person in her country. In this picture, you can see her when she was 13 years old.

5. Princess Madeleine, Princess Victoria, and Prince Carl Phillip

In this image, you can see three Swedish-royal siblings, when they were just teenagers.

6. King Felipe IV of Span

Prince Felipe became the King of Spain in 2014. Here you can see him when he just was a teenager, he was 15 years old.

7. Prince Harris

Newly-married Prince is one of the most loveable members of the Royal Family. You can see how cute he was as a teenager in this image.

8. Prince William

In this image, you can see how Prince William and heir to the Throne of the United Kingdom looked like when he was a teenager. That special smile is still here as you can see.

9. Duchess Catherine

Prince William’s wife is one of the newest additions to the royal family, who married him back in 2011. Here you can see her in the middle of her cricket team.

10. Prince Carl Phillip of Sweden

Prince Carl Phillip is one of the most elegant members of royal families in the whole of Europe. You can say that he was like that even when he was just a teenager.

11. Denmark’s Royal Family

This is an older picture of the Danish Royal Family. You can see crown Prince Frederik when he was just 12 years old featured in this image.