
Running a personal trainer business takes a lot of time and effort. During the pandemic – when face to face training sessions became the only way to go – personal trainers took to using technology and software packages to continue in business. For many trainers – and various other businesses – this was a new approach, yet it has opened the eyes of many to the benefits of software and digital communications.

In the article that follows we will talk about business management software that is effective for personal trainers, but bear in mind that the type of tool we are focusing on can also be of use for any type of service that requires one to one consultation, as well as various other businesses.

Indeed, any small business looking for additional room for growth should consider software of this type. So, what are we talking about when we talk of business management software? Let’s start with a short explanation of what business management software is and the benefits it brings to a personal trainer business. For an example of a business management software tool take a look at .

What Can Business Management Software Do?


The website should give you an idea of the areas of business in which this sort of tool can help. It is not simply a booking and scheduling tool, but one that covers many other areas of the day to day operations of a business. For clarity, the following is a list of some of the main features, and we will elaborate on some of them after this section:

  • Booking and scheduling appointments.
  • Video calls for individual or group sessions.
  • Streamlined calendar operation.
  • Automated billing system.
  • Reporting on progress.

These are just a few of the features you will find on a typical business management software package. Some are also equipped with comprehensive HR tools and may also include basic accounting. They will usually come with an automated messaging system for reminding both client and trainer of appointments. The overall aim of such tools is to reduce time spent on mundane tasks, and this is achieved in many ways. Next, we want to look at a few of these features that are particularly relevant to personal trainers who offer online and face to face training sessions.

Easy to Use Booking and Appointment Tool


A simple to use and effective streamlined booking system is one tool that a personal trainer can use to save time and improve productivity. Booking in the traditional manner is outdated, time-consuming and is easily replaced by a digital alternative of the type we are talking about.  This type of software is essential for streamlining business operations, especially for trainers that work in states like Boston which has the highest number of fitness visitors per year, and is considered to be the best place for personal trainers according to this study. As an example, we’ll use the one accessed by the link earlier in the article, and here’s how it works:

  • The trainer issues a weekly (for example) calendar showing available and unavailable slots. The calendar is in the cloud making access far more simple than other methods.
  • The client checks the calendar when notified by accessing a password, and books the slot that is most convenient to them.
  • Both parties get a notification and in some cases a reminder nearer the time.

It’s immediately apparent that this system is far preferable to one in which the client is contacted by email, by telephone or message. Putting the onus on the client to book also saves the trainer time. It also eliminates the problem of forgotten appointments and no-shows, thus improving ROI as a result.

Video Calls for One-to-One Sessions


Among the fastest growing markets in terms of software packages and apps in 2024 and this year has been that of video conferencing and communications tools. Zoom, for example, became the tool of choice for managers to keep in touch with employees working remotely.

For the personal trainer this sort of tool became invaluable and remains so. Many who did not offer video training sessions before are continuing doing so. Some clients prefer this method – it is convenient and requires no travelling – and it has kept many small businesses alive and not just personal trainers.

Seamless real-time video streaming is a part of many business management tools. Furthermore, it also enables the trainer to prepare virtual sessions that can then be accessed by the trainee at a time convenient to them. These tools are also used by therapists, in education and in many other areas of commerce and industry.

Automated Billing Function


A sole trader in the personal training market is responsible for all aspects of the day to day running of the business. One area that is easy to get confused with is that of billing the clients, especially if the trainer has a large number of regulars. Most business management tools come with an automated billing function. The simplicity of the system means there is no need to employ a part time bookkeeper as many small businesses do, so that’s another area where expenditure can be reduced.

There will be differences in how they operate but usually the system logs a time against every client who signs in for a session and at a given time each week – or month depending on the frequency of invoicing – automatically sends a bill electronically to the client. This eliminates the possibility of invoices being forgotten and is a major part of increased productivity as it frees the personal trainer of one job that takes a lot of time otherwise.

Final Word

We hope that we have adequately described the benefits of investing in a business management software tool for personal trainers. These tools cut down on the time spent performing admin tasks by automating the likes of booking and invoicing, allowing the business owner to put more time into training sessions. With less time spent on the mundane tasks required to run a business there is more scope for improving income and greater profit as a result. Check out business management tools right now and you’ll find one that does just what you need.