If we’re being honest, there isn’t a single diet that is really easy to follow and the reason is that they all have rules and restrictions and sometimes you just need that cheeseburger and fries. The newest trend that has come up is the pegan diet, and no that wasn’t a typo, you read it right.

What that word means is actually a combination of the words paleo and vegan and as this may sound like a logical explanation it actually not. Anyone who is into the whole nutrition and diet scene knows that these two notions represent complete opposites on the diet specter. The people the rely on the paleo diet eat mostly meat like our people way back in the Paleolithic era whereas vegan does the complete opposite and do not eat anything that is of animal origin. So, how are these two diets possibly connected?

The man behind this whole idea is Dr. Mark Hyman and he said to the Redbook back in 2015 that this way of eating consist of “real whole, fresh food in its natural state free of processed ingredients, refined carbohydrates, and additives,” which is the common ground for these two seemingly completely different diets.

Essentially the pegan diet consists of eating fresh fruits and vegetables that are very low in sugar, full of omega 3 fats and that are as organic as possible. This all seems pretty simple but what makes it hard is that doesn’t give you many choices when it comes to the number of available foods. Out of all the vegetables that exist, the only ones that fulfill the criteria for this diet are eggplant, peppers, leeks, mushrooms, cauliflower broccoli, tomatoes, and brussels sprouts. Not much to choose from, what makes it especially that this diet allows no potatoes, corn or any starchy vegetables.

When is come to fruits the ones that make the cut are cherries, citrus fruits, mangoes, pears, apples, pineapples, and dark berries

What makes it a little better is that you can use nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
When it comes to cheating days in this diet what would occasionally be okay is a little bit of grass-fed meats like chicken, beef, shrimp, turkey, salmon and sometimes eggs. As well as a small bit of sugar that is natural (honey, coconut sugar or maple syrup.

The things that are in no case allowed is dairy, foods that contain gluten and soy.
Whoever can maintain this type of diet has some serious control over their life. Good for you! But for most people giving up cheese and bread is just a no go. Thanks, but no thanks.