Home Health Invisible Orthodontic Treatment For Adults

Invisible Orthodontic Treatment For Adults

by Tracy Finke

Nowadays, people are more concerned about their image and oral health than they were years ago. Clear orthodontics with aligners has been the great invention of the 20th century, and thousands of citizens are already committed to it and are committed to looking after their health.

Normally the patients who accept this type of treatment are patients who do not want this treatment to interfere on a daily basis, but nevertheless this type of treatment has a requirement that must be met in order to successfully complete the treatment, which is to wear it for a minimum of 22 hours and always wash it well before putting it back in the mouth. There are also other types of treatments such as fixed braces: metal (which can be lingual), ceramic or sapphire braces.

Many adults believe that it is too late to correct the malocclusions in their mouths, but in reality they are not too late, they are at the right time to change their image for a beautiful smile.

Invisible orthodontics, such as smile2impres clear aligners, offer a great alternative to traditional orthodontics, especially in adults. Its visibility on the market has created a great stir among the population, as it has made adults’ minds forget that fixing oral health is not just a matter for children, but also for adults. The population is increasingly requesting this type of treatment and is more aware and concerned about their health and their image. Orthodontist Dr. Rodrigo F. Viecilli, from Limestone Hills Orthodontics in Austin TX suggests that the first step in successful clear aligner treatment is to choose a very competent professional.

Types Of Invisible Orthodontic Treatment

Source: healthbenefitstimes.com

Nowadays the world of dentistry is highly developed and you can find an endless number of treatments to correct overbite, crowding and other problems.

There are two main types of orthodontic devices: fixed braces and removable aligners. One of the big differences between one and the other is that with fixed braces you can’t even take them out to eat and you will have to restrict certain foods in your diet such as cereal bars or crusty bread.

Here you can see the different types of treatment.

  •       Ceramic braces are fixed devices made of a color very similar to your natural tooth enamel.
  •       Secondly, we have the sapphire braces, it is very similar to the ceramic braces, but this one has a valuable detail which is the material with which it has been made. The sapphire is a fragment of transparent crystal which makes it very difficult to see before the eyes of others.
  •       In the third place you can opt for lingual braces which is another type of fixed invisible dental appliance made of metal and unlike the others mentioned, this one is placed on the back of the tooth.
  •       And last but not least we have the Impress clear aligners. It is made up of two invisible splints that adapt to each patient’s teeth. These aligners exert a slight pressure on the teeth that are gradually being corrected.

How do I clean this type of appliance?

Source: blackburnfamilydentalcare.com.au

For clear aligners, the first thing you should know is that before you start eating, it is essential that you remove your splint and keep it in the box, so that you do not damage the splint. For the good use of the splint it is recommended that once a day you wash it with soft teeth brush and neutral ph soap.

Regarding the braces, it is a more tedious task as it is advisable to use the irrigator to access all parts of the mouth and do a thorough cleaning.

When do I start to see the first results?

This will depend on each person since, as they say, each person is a world and a box of surprises to be discovered.

If it is a mild case of crowding it is possible that in less than 10 months your problem will be solved, however, if it is a more severe case it may take 18 months or more depending on the degree of malocclusion.

What are the phases of treatment?

Source: fixdental.com.au

In the pre-treatment, the first thing that will be done is to take an x-ray of the patient’s mouth to ensure that they have the optimum conditions to begin treatment. The orthodontist will also make sure that there are no cavities or problems such as gingivitis.  A 3D SCAN will be used to get a full view of the patient’s teeth and a video simulation of what the patient’s smile will look like at the end of the treatment will be designed. This way you will be able to see the results you will obtain before undergoing this process.

During the treatment it is very important to follow the instructions and recommendations of the expert so that everything runs smoothly and there are no inconveniences or it takes longer. At this stage, the aligners will be sent, the patient will be monitored with a dental app and the patient will have to make visits to the clinic. Visits are not as frequent as with other types of treatment.

In the last stage, post-treatment, it is essential that the patient continues to take care of their teeth. They should wear  night-time retainers to keep their teeth well aligned so that they do not fall out of place again and they must maintain good oral hygiene.

What types of invisible orthodontic treatment are there at Impress?

Source: studiodentaire.com

Impress has three types of treatment: Impress, Impress Super Light, Impress Plus, this company has treatments for children from 6 years old to the oldest ones.

Impress Super Light

This type of treatment is aimed at patients who have a slight bite problem, overcrowding or diastemas. The estimated treatment time for Impress Super Light is approximately 3 months. This treatment is suitable for young and older patients.


This type of treatment is aimed at patients who have more complex bite problems, crowding or diastemas, but without being very arduous. The estimated duration of Impress treatment is approximately 6 months. The Impress treatment can be carried out from adolescents to the elderly.

Impress Plus

The Impress Plus treatment is for people who already have a more severe problem due to crowding, overbite or diastemas. It is the most expensive treatment, but it lasts longer than the previous ones.

It is important to remember that it is always advisable to get information before starting orthodontic treatment and to go to an experienced specialist for advice.