“Karma” is a Sanskrit work for action, and it is the equivalent of Newton’s law that says that “every action has a reaction”. When we think, speak, or do, we initiate a force that is going to have an appropriate reaction.

At some moment in life, faced with betrayal, pain, or anger, many of us think about revenge. However, smart people know there is a much better solution. Pain and frustration take time, and because of the high levels of emotional intelligence, these people are able to wait for it to pass and control their emotions. Therefore, they make better and smarter decisions.

Karma always takes care of things, and always makes sure to give back to those who have deserved it. It is said nobody can escape the consequences of their actions, because the universe has an answer for our every deed, be it good or bad. If you always do good, you will have good come your way, and if you do evil, that is what karma will give you.

Never accumulate anger, as it never brought any good to people. The best kind of revenge is a wide smile and success. Obsessing with hatred is toxic, and that feeling can rip a person to pieces and make them feel unhappy.

Those who hate you will suffer the most if you are as successful as you can be. When you are having fun and living your life to the fullest, you are showing them that their negativity is not a factor in your life. Ask yourself if they are worth your anger and pain, and will you feel better once your revenge is complete.

Remember, as you shine, you attract. Karma is your friend and let it do the job for you.