Home Home & Garden The Differences Between An Infinity Pool VS a Swimming Pool

The Differences Between An Infinity Pool VS a Swimming Pool

by William Gist

It is the summer season, which is probably one of the reasons why you started thinking about installing a pool in your backyard. And, if so, you might be surprised by the number of options you can actually choose from. But, after some digging, you probably came across an infinity pool, which is why you might think – is it the best option for me?

If you are thinking about whether you should install either of these two types, this article might be able to help you conclude which option is better for you. Let’s take a closer look at all the differences that these options have, ones that will allow you to make a decision:

First Things First – What Are The Types Exactly?


We all know what the traditional option is. They are specifically designed for your background and they are, as the name implies, made from concrete. What does this mean? Well, basically, a construction company will come to your property, dig a hole, pour concrete, add all the necessary equipment, and you can be swimming in a matter of a few months.

On the other hand, infinity ones are more complex, especially since they are designed to look like they are blending with the horizon. Basically, it will play a visual trick on people and for many, it seems like there is no separation between the landscape and the water.

Traditional Pools Are Easier to Install


Traditional ones are easier and less time-consuming to install. In fact, you can build one completely by yourself, without needing a professional construction company. However, you should know that the infinity option is extremely specialized, which means that you’ll need professional installation services.

Why is it more difficult to install an infinity pool? Well, firstly, it cannot be installed everywhere, which means that an expert will need to come to determine whether or not this type is for you. Of course, there are various online guides such as the ones featured on nowralocalpools.com.au, which can help you determine if you should install one in your backyard.

Additionally, there are various things that need to be installed, such as the pump that will push the water to the edge, the tank that holds the water when it goes over the edge, and the walls need to be on a lower level in order to create an illusion of it blending into the landscape.

The Maintenance is Different


With traditional pools, you’ll need to maintain it at least once a week. This means that you should remove any debris, clean the walls, check the filter once every two weeks, and, you’ll also need to check the chemical levels which have been made easy because of the wide range of water testing kits available.

But, with the other option, you’ll need to maintain it every other day, which means that you’ll spend more time and money on maintaining it. Why? Well, the water will be constantly circulating, which means that you’ll need to analyze it with a kit in order to determine whether or not they are safe for swimming.

Costs Vary Quite a Lot


When you look at the costs and expenses you’ll have by choosing the traditional option, you are looking at approximately 17.000 dollars in expenses, no matter if you opt for concrete or vinyl. Depth is also a key thing that’ll influence the price – the deeper it is the more expensive it will be. Additionally, you’ll need to purchase different things for it such as the cleaning chemicals, ladders, and diving boards.

As mentioned earlier in the article, infinity pools are more complex, which means that they will also be more expensive to build. The starting price for this option is approximately 30.000 dollars and in most cases, it can even go above this. Why is it so much more expensive? Well, they feature a carefully designed water system that allows the water to go over the edge, and back into the basin again. Additionally, you’ll also need a budget for the maintenance and accessories that you might want.

The Property is Important As Well


Conventional swimming pools can be installed nearly everywhere in your backyard. However, an infinity one does not only need a nice and beautiful landscape that will make the entire installation meaningful but, you also need to have a slope that will actually allow the water to circulate back and forth between the two basins.

What does this mean? Well, it means that the slope needs to be created if there isn’t one, which means that you can have even more expenses. Additionally, if there is actually no view from your backyard, it might not be worth investing in this particular type, because the entire point of such pools is to actually allow you to have a panoramic view.

Before we conclude this article, there is one thing that is worth mentioning – carefully and wisely choose the construction company that will build either of these two pool options. If you choose the wrong company, you could end up with something that could easily damage your property, hence, leading to extremely expensive repairs.

This is why you must carefully do some research on the company you are thinking about hiring. For instance, you can check the reviews on independent websites in order to see what experience other people had, you could compare the services they are offering, and you should also compare the prices. All of this will allow you to choose a company that will build the perfect pool in your yard.



As you can see, there is a wide range of drawbacks and benefits when it comes to both of these options. Of course, the type you choose will depend on your preferences, however, since an infinity pool will require a slope, it will also depend on the layout of your property.

So, now that you know what both of these swimming pool options have to offer, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, you should go back to the beginning of this article, go through it once again, and then determine which option might be suitable for your needs, as well as your backyard.