Health is a controversial topic that is debated across the globe. In each region of the world, people have different opinions about what optimal health truly is. Although some people find health through strict diets and intense exercise regimens, true wellness is about the connection of the mind, body, and spirit. In order to advance your well-being, you must first be in touch with your body and emotions. As you get to know yourself, you will have a better understanding of what you need in order to thrive. In this article, we will share the ten best practices for improving overall health.
1. Stretching

Everything that happens throughout your daily life places stress on your physical body. When you sit all day long, your muscles are tight and rigid. When you exercise intensely, your muscles are fatigued. After cardiovascular movement, you have a buildup of lactic acid in your system. When you stretch, you can loosen up the joints, muscles, and lactic acid that is in your body. This will allow your body to recover quickly while improving flexibility.
2. Reading
Reading helps us slow the pace of our lives. When you look at a screen for the majority of the day, reading offers a way to rest your eyes while jumping into a story. If you are frequently busy, it may seem unnatural to use your free time to read a book. Whether you are reading a self-help book or a fictional novel, the time spent flipping between chapters can expand your knowledge, boost your creativity, and captivate your emotions.
3. Facial Treatments

Whether you get a facial massage or a skin treatment, both of these practices can help strengthen your skin while releasing the tension held in your head. Tixel, offered by, is a treatment that tightens, resurfaces, and rejuvenates your skin. This practice aids collagen production while helping the skin look and feel brighter. Other facial treatments open the pores, cleanse the surface, and reduce inflammation.
4. Mindfulness
The art of mindfulness is different for everyone. Some people prefer to meditate in an ambient room in silence and solitude. Other people prefer journaling in an open space with natural light. Some nature-lovers practice mindfulness while wandering through an outdoor space. When it comes to meditation, there are no right or wrong answers. All of these practices are beneficial as long as you find a space that allows you to calm your mind, settle your spirit, and ground your thoughts.
5. Exercise

Based on your body type, different types of exercise will help you accomplish your goals. The most common types of movement include yoga, barre, pilates, HIIT, running, cycling, and weight lifting. These are just a few of the hundreds of ways to practice movement. Different people prefer varying levels of intensity. When you find a form of exercise that you truly enjoy, you are more likely to stay committed even when you are stressed or overwhelmed. Not only will you see physical benefits, fitness offers tons of mental health benefits.
6. Connection and Community
When we are lonely, we are more likely to slip into patterns of depression or anxiety. In addition, loneliness serves to exacerbate our insecurities. It is important to be involved with friends and family members on a regular basis. Whether you go on a trip or go for a walk, the time spent with friends can bring you joy, help you feel loved, and spark your energy levels. Community helps to establish a confidence that you can help carry wherever you go.
7. Transparency

Many aspects of culture are built around pride. People always have something to prove. In this environment, it is easy to fall under the weight of pressure. Rather than putting pressure on yourself and on those around you, choose to be honest about the things that are really going on in your life. This transparency will help encourage others around you to live with more vulnerability. When you choose to be transparent, you can have more confidence in yourself.
8. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for you to consume on a daily basis. The most pure form of this supplement comes directly from the sun. In both the summer and the winter, you can spend a specified amount of time outside to absorb your daily amount of vitamin D. This supplement is helpful for bone health, chronic illness, depression, diabetes and more. On days where you cannot soak up the sun, take a pill supplement. The practice of obtaining adequate levels of vitamin D can benefit you for years in the future.
9. Therapy

Therapy is not just for people who are going through a traumatic event. Although counseling is super helpful for trauma patients, it is really a practice that is beneficial for most people. Throughout life, we pick up many insecurities and anxieties from the people around us. A combination of nature and nurture make us the adults that we are. If you are struggling emotionally or mentally, counseling can help you work through all the difficulties that you are feeling. Although these challenges may seem small to you, they may be having a huge impact on your overall mental and emotional health.
10. Confrontation
Many people are scared to confront certain people in their life. Although confrontation may be awkward, it can be wildly useful. If you have a degrading boss or a rude coworker, having an honest and open conversation with them can transform the workplace. If you are feeling uncontrollably frustrated or bitter towards a spouse or friend, this practice can help you to reconcile the relationship in a positive way. When you are not afraid to stand up for yourself, you will see your confidence begin to flourish in many areas.
Balancing the mind and body can be extremely difficult. When it comes to the body, many people struggle to practice self-love. With mental and emotional health, many people try to glide past their struggles by pretending everything is okay. Rather than neglecting your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, it is important to recognize your realities while taking steps towards growth.