Home Health Recovery Roadmap: 9 Tips for Healing Faster After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Recovery Roadmap: 9 Tips for Healing Faster After Wisdom Teeth Removal

by Victoria Boatright

If you’ve recently been told you need to have your wisdom teeth removed or have just undergone the procedure, first and foremost, you’re not alone. Wisdom teeth removal is a common rite of passage for many.

The path to a healthier mouth might seem a tad daunting, but with the right approach, the journey can be smooth and even enlightening. And we’re here to walk you through that path, sharing our own experiences and expertise.

Preparing for a Smooth Recovery

Before our procedure, we had a chat with our oral surgeon. It’s pivotal to understand what to expect post-surgery. Your oral surgeon can provide specific instructions tailored for you.

Pro Tip: Make a list of questions beforehand. It’s easy to forget them during a consultation.

Equally essential is to stock up on soft foods and liquids. Think yogurt, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and of course, everyone’s favorite: ice cream. Having a range of choices helps prevent mealtime monotony.

Fun Fact: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can help reduce swelling. So, consider adding some pineapple juice or smoothies to your shopping list!

Lastly, arrange for a buddy system. Having a friend or family member around can be reassuring and helpful, especially in the first few hours post-surgery.

The First 24 Hours

First 24 Hours After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Source: freepik.com

Our first day post-surgery was quite an adventure. The key is to rest and let the body do its magic. When we felt any swelling, applying ice packs in intervals became our go-to solution.

Not only does it soothe, but it also minimizes any potential bruising.

I was also keen on following our pain medication schedule. After our procedure at the  Dentist in Wolli Creek, they emphasized the importance of taking pain medications as directed, and we can’t stress that enough.

Managing Discomfort

As the initial discomfort started to fade, we began experimenting with our diet. Starting with softer foods and gradually reintroducing solids is crucial. Another remedy we found comforting was rinsing gently with warm salt water. It can alleviate pain and has natural antibacterial properties.

Over-the-counter pain relief options are abundant, but it’s always good to cross-check with your oral surgeon before introducing anything new to your regimen.

Keeping Your Mouth Clean

Now, while the temptation to clean the mouth might be high, caution is essential. Brushing became an art we learned to navigate carefully around the surgical sites to avoid any disruptions. For added protection against infections, we opted for a gentle mouthwash.

Pro tip: When choosing a mouthwash, alcohol-free is the way to go. Alcohol can dry out the mouth and potentially interfere with healing.

The big no-no? Rigorous rinsing. Dislodging blood clots prematurely can lead to complications, so always be gentle.

Staying Hydrated and Nourished

Hydration played a key role in our healing process. Nutrient-rich smoothies and soups became staples in our diet, and we ensured we drank plenty of water.

Fun fact: The human body is about 60% water, and keeping it hydrated aids in faster cell regeneration and healing.

One thing we had to be mindful of? Straws. Using straws can lead to dry socket, a painful condition that can delay healing. So, as tempting as it was, we bid adieu to straws during our recovery.

Allowing Time for Rest and Recovery

Time for Rest and Recovery After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Source: askthedentist.com

One thing I’ve realized is that our bodies have an innate wisdom. When we took the time to really listen, our body whispered, “Rest.” During recovery, it’s essential to slow down and provide the body with ample downtime. This isn’t the time for intense workouts or running marathons, both literally and figuratively.

Catching up on sleep, watching your favorite shows, or diving into a book can be therapeutic. It’s not just about physical healing but emotional and mental recuperation as well.

Pro tip: Elevated pillows can help reduce swelling while sleeping. It’s a small tweak with notable benefits!

The Importance of Patience

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: patience. It’s challenging not to gauge our recovery based on someone else’s timeline.

our cousin healed in three days, but for me, it took a bit longer. What’s essential is to understand that healing isn’t linear, nor is it a race. Each body is different, and so is each healing journey.

The more we trust our body’s natural pace, the more harmonious the recovery becomes. In the grand tapestry of life, this recovery period is just a small thread, but it’s one woven with resilience, patience, and strength.

Signs of Healthy Healing

Over the days, as we journeyed towards healing, there were signs of progress. A gradual reduction in swelling, a decrease in discomfort, and the initial blood clots slowly being replaced by pinkish tissue.

The increased ease with which we could open our mouth without feeling like a rusted hinge was, honestly, a mini celebration in itself!

Following Up with Your Oral Surgeon

Your oral surgeon is your recovery partner. Following up is not just about ticking off a box but ensuring everything is on the right track.

We made it a point to attend all scheduled post-operative appointments. Any small concern, any hint of complication, we knew we had a professional to turn to.

And then, there’s that fantastic moment when you get the green light to resume all your regular activities. Trust me, it feels like a mini graduation ceremony in itself!


Source: freepik.com

Can I continue with our daily skincare or face massage routine post-surgery?

While daily skincare can generally be continued, it’s advisable to be gentle around the jawline and cheek areas to avoid putting pressure on the surgical sites.

As for face massages, it might be best to wait a few days post-surgery or until you feel comfortable.

Is there a specific toothbrush type recommended after wisdom teeth removal?

Using a soft-bristled toothbrush can be beneficial as it’s gentler on the surgical sites. Once healing progresses, you can transition back to your regular toothbrush.

Are there any specific vitamins or supplements that can aid in the recovery process?

Vitamin C is known for its tissue repairing properties and might be beneficial during recovery. However, always consult with your oral surgeon or a healthcare provider before introducing any new supplements.

Can I listen to music or wear earphones after the surgery?

Absolutely! Listening to music can be a great way to relax and distract from discomfort. However, if you’re using over-the-ear headphones, ensure they don’t press too hard against the jaw or cheeks, especially during the initial recovery days. Earbuds or in-ear headphones might be more comfortable options immediately post-surgery.

End Note

Wisdom Teeth

Source: unsplash.com

As we reflect on our healing journey, we realize it wasn’t just about physical recovery. It was a lesson in patience, self-care, resilience, and understanding the incredible prowess of our bodies.

If you’re at the onset or in the midst of your wisdom teeth removal recovery, remember this: It’s a temporary phase, and the path you tread now leads to a future of better oral health and well-being. Sending all our positive vibes your way!