Home Tips How to Find Your Unique Style on Social Media and Get Noticed

How to Find Your Unique Style on Social Media and Get Noticed

by Tracy Finke

If the equation that person = brand is real, then the question arises: “What is the personality of your brand?” No, this is not a trick question. Is your brand formal, shocking, or socially conscious? Defining your brand personality is critical. Brands are like people. We like them when they are available; we stay away from them when they don’t seem sincere. They can hack us and just as easily make us cry.

It seems that some brands are created especially for us, and on rare occasions, they even make us feel recognized and loved. In other words, brands can have an emotional impact, and successful brands usually deliver positive experiences to their customers (in our case – blogs to readers). But how do they pass on this positive experience? How do they even define what it is? Answer: through brand personality.

The personality is one of the centerpieces of brand identity, and it is your personal and unique style and one of the many tools you have at your disposal to shape the public perception of your blog or channel. So collect all your draft ideas, marketing tools, free design software, social media guides and use the following tips on how to get noticed on social networks. Also, more information about that you can find at VistaCreate.

What is a unique/brand personality?

Source: bloghands.com

The brand or blog personality is the human component of your brand. It consists of emotional traits and behaviors that remain unchanged over time. If your brand identity is the overall message of your brand, then your identity is the emotional way that message is conveyed. Embodying your brand personality is one of the most important aspects of branding because it allows your customers to remember who you are and form a positive relationship with your brand.

Think about it: Usually the most memorable people are the ones whose personality stands out, and brands are no exception to this rule. However, a brand with many personalities is like a human who is friendly and benevolent today and cynical and rude the next day. You never know what kind of reaction you’ll get.

Likewise, your audience wants to know what behavior to expect from you. If they can’t count on you to be funny or honest, or something else that sets your brand apart, they won’t rely on you at all. Because of this, it’s important to understand exactly what constitutes your personality and then maintain consistency!

The main thing to understand is: do not confuse individuality and identity. Personality is an emotional connection with a blog or channel. Identity is always the image created and used by companies to communicate with consumers. It can include different types of communication and visual elements such as logos, colors, or fonts.

Creation of unique personality

Source: liveblog.pro

From now on, you should represent your brand (blog/channel) as a person. What does the brand look like? How should it sound when it speaks? These characteristics fuel the emotional and associative qualities of your brand that your readers or followers will associate with. And the answers to these questions will also help determine the type of branding you will choose later.

Your brand may already have some human characteristics, whether it’s the silly holiday memes you post on Facebook or the serious but informative newsletter you send out to your subscribers once a month. However, the already existing traits of your brand should contribute to the same emotional message, not contradict each other. And remember, brand personality is only effective if it resonates with your target audience.

You should already know who your target audience is, what their pain points are, and how they communicate. With all this in mind, you can create a personality that your audience will fall in love with!

Step 1 – Consider the competitors

Source: businesspartnermagazine.com

As important as your brand personality reflects its message, you also want to stand out from the competition. For example, if all of your competitors exude sophistication, you might want to take a different route and focus on sincerity. This is a good way to gain a unique position in the market and differentiate your brand from others.

Step 2 – Draw yourself as a character

What kind of person embodies the adjectives in your mind? Draw them. Whether you are the next Picasso or have never held a pencil in your life, this exercise is worth trying. Even if you have a bunch of thought bubbles on your page and nothing else, you still get an idea of what your brand should “look like”. And later on, you’ll find that a similar visual feel is seeping into your logo, avatar, color combinations, and typography.

Step 3 – Take a personality test

Source: nbcnews.com

What type of personality do you want to associate with your social media? Think about your nickname, blog, or brand name. Say it out loud. Are there any more ideas in your head? Now ask friends and acquaintances. Send them your logo or avatar. What answers do you get? Put the results together and you will begin to see the shape. Does the outside reaction match your ideas? Think about who you are now and who you want to become. Here are the questions to get you started:

  • Boring or shocking?
  • Rigid or flexible?
  • Young or mature?
  • Closed or open?
  • Stylish or classic?
  • Charming or friendly?
  • Premium or economy?
  • Female or male?
  • Formal or fun?
  • Big or small?

Once you understand what your unique brand personality is about, do it. The way your brand behaves from now on should be consistent with the traits that define it: if you’re fun and down-to-earth, spread humor in your campaigns; if you are brilliant and elite, don’t joke about yourself. Of course, if something doesn’t resonate with your audience, don’t worry about tweaking your personality to better suit their desires.

Unique style design

Once you’ve decided on your personality, it’s time to design around it. Make a set of visuals that showcase this style and personality. The main visual elements are color, typography, and images. As words create the tone of the message, so do the visuals.

Some colors can change your mood, make you feel merry or sad, fonts might be masculine or feminine, images might be open and inviting or dark and mysterious. Some elements may not have properties at all, imagine beige or even Helvetica, which can take on the properties of the surrounding elements.

Unique social media communication style

Source: scmp.com

How to choose a communication style? There are only two rules here:

1. It should look natural

First of all, the text should harmoniously correlate with the visuals and the general design of the profile. If you have introduced the identity of the leader or creator of the brand, the style must be consistent with that personality, the accepted manner of speaking or writing.

2.  And suit your target audience

Everything here is simple and mostly intuitive: the age of the target audience determines the tone and distance in communication, and their interests determine your position. Study the prominent representatives of your audience, see the words they use, their life values, heroes, and idols.


Source: contentstadium.com

Try to diversify your social media communication style as follows:

  • Create a set of “insider” jokes and specific knowledge and store it within your channel/blog and its readers;
  • Start posting on social media in the same way (for example, under certain hashtags)
  • Develop a distinctive language for your brand to enhance its uniqueness;
  • Social media posts are better off being entertaining and informative, so don’t overdo it with the “correct” actions. You can always change your style in accordance with the comments in your publications.

Use these tips and your blog will have its own unique social media style quickly and easily.