
We have all heard a lot about alcohol. Although for most people, alcohol is associated with a strong alcoholic drink, we must say that its application is much wider, because it does not mean alcohol for drinks, but neutral alcohol that serves as a base for drinks, but also as a disinfectant and first aid in some situations. Alcohol kills germs, as long as the solution you use has the right percentage of alcohol.

Hand sanitizers should have 60% to 95% alcohol to be effective against germs and bacteria. Although it has been used for centuries, it has recently become the main weapon in the fight against the coronavirus, which we have been living with for three years. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi are types of germs that can spread infection and disease.


Your immune system can protect you from these germs in most situations, but you can take additional preventative measures to protect yourself. An effective disinfectant is considered to be one that contains more than 60% alcohol. Alcohol preparations are widely distributed on the market and available to households, and are also suitable for sensitive surfaces and non-toxic for the environment.

So, alcohol, or ethanol, is widely used and has a beneficial effect on the human body, it is used in cosmetics and household products, and as we have already mentioned, it is the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and vodka. It has a characteristic smell and is less dense than water.

Ok, that’s ethanol, alcohol, but what many people don’t understand is what extra neutral alcohol is, is it a synonym or a completely different compound?

Extra neutral alcohol (ENA) is actually a type of ethanol and unlike classic ethanol that is obtained by fermentation of sugar by yeasts or by petrochemical processes such as ethylene dehydration, ENA is obtained from several sources – sugarcane molasses and grains.


Like ordinary ethanol, ENA can be used for various purposes, but it is primarily used in the food and beverage industry and is specific in that it has no taste or smell. Considering that in the last few days we are fighting the coronavirus and we are paying extra attention to hand hygiene, the most common use of ENA is currently as a sanitizer. You can learn more if you visit

The history of alcohol is almost as old as the history of humans because early humans realized relatively quickly that even small amounts of alcohol change a person’s behavior and have an impact on his mental state. Archaeological evidence indicates that people already drank alcohol produced from honey, milk, fruit, vegetables, or grains 30 or 40 thousand years ago. The first organized production began with the development of viticulture and the cultivation of vines for the purpose of wine production.

While ENA is tasteless and odorless, ethanol is a clear and colorless liquid, lighter than water, with a characteristic smell. The strongest alcoholic beverages contain about 45% alcohol. If a person drinks 500 ml of pure ethanol at once, he can die. The toxic effect of alcoholic beverages stems from the concentration of ethyl alcohol in them, so it is necessary to be moderate.


Refined ethyl alcohol is obtained by distilling overheated alcoholic pomace after it has been spent alcoholic fermentation, and contains about 96% ethanol. In the industrial production of ethanol as a raw material is most often used molasses, a viscous dark brown syrup that is created as a by-product in the production of sugar, and from which sugar can no longer be separated by crystallization in order to obtain extra neutral alcohol of high quality.

What ENA and ethyl alcohol have in common is that they are actually a sedative and have a laxative effect. However, it is important to take into account consumption, because excessive alcohol consumption leads to diseases of various organs.

Alcohol is used as a solvent and agent for extraction, disinfection, preservation, and for the production of artificial alcoholic beverages. It is also a starting material for the production of a number of important chemicals, such as acetaldehyde, acetic acid, various esters, ethers, ethylene, chloroform, polymer materials, artificial rubber, etc.

As we can see, alcohol has very wide and useful applications if used properly. What is important is to always choose high-quality ethanol or ENA, in accordance with the type of application – whether it will be used as a base for alcoholic beverages, a sanitizer, or something else entirely. In any case, if it is used for oral use, it is important to take into account the percentage of alcohol, which should not exceed 45% as already mentioned.


Alcohol has a generally negative effect on the level of quality of life of the person who consumes it, despite its health benefits, alcohol does more harm than good – it damages health, causes liver diseases, increases some risky behaviors, raises the level of violence, family disputes, neglect and abuse of children, reduces work productivity, damages reputation and much more.

Moderate drinking of ENA can relax muscles, impair coordination and impair judgment. Excessive consumption of ethyl alcohol can have negative effects on health. It can cause inflammation of the liver (alcoholic hepatitis) and lead to scarring of the liver (cirrhosis), a potentially fatal disease.

Ethanol is an organic compound, alcohol, which is quickly absorbed from the place of application, whether it is applied to the skin, or through the mucous membrane of the respiratory or digestive tract.

Most often, it is introduced into the body in the form of alcoholic beverages through the digestive system. Very little ethanol is absorbed in the mouth and the degree of absorption depends on the time during which the drink remains in it. About 20% of ethanol is absorbed in the stomach, and mostly in the small intestine.