People always have a question in mind whether to choose white bread or wheat bread. They are not familiar with the nutritive facts of the types of bread. Beware! Before picking your bread, must consult a nutritionist to know which one is better for your present health conditions as both contain enough amount of starch and fiber. Hold the rein of your horses before pulling them towards buying your bread!
You must be conscious of the marketing strategy because mostly it happens that they just color white bread with brown one to make it brown bread. You must read the ingredients before buying your products whether it’s 100% which you want or it’s just flavored or colored.
Physical Differences
First I will let you know about how this bread is manufactured on a large scale and how it differs based on the physical properties. All types of bread made up from wheat flour and its every grain is enriched with endosperm, germ and bran. Endosperm holds protein and starch which is the largest center part of the grain. The germ is an area which buds when it is sprouted and present at the end of endosperm which is supplemented with minerals, oils and vitamins. These two sections i.e., endosperm and germ are then covered with bran which is full of nutrients and fibers.
According to, white bread is highly processed as compared to brown bread. In the process, bran and germ are removed and white endosperm is left with starch. Though the endosperm is the most important part it does not contain all the nutrients in it which your body is in need to have. On the other hand, brown bread contains germ and bran which is highly healthful than white bread and good to consume on the basis of its healthy texture.
Looking for Nutritional Difference?
Here are some of the facts to know the dietary value of the bread you are eating. Brown bread provides you vitamins E & B, proteins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. It also contains photo nutrients, i.e., Lignans present in plants. According to present research, it is found that lignans protect your body from certain heart diseases and especially healthy for women as it defends them from breast cancer.
eneficial nutrients and other proteins are removed during the process of making white bread. Iron, thiamin, niacin and folate are removed synthetically which are full of nutrition and vitamins. Check the difference on the basis of their nutritional value:
Brown Bread (1 slice)
Calories: 100
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 4 grams
Thiamin: 7%
Niacin: 7%
Folate: 3%
Iron: 4%
Magnesium: 6%
Manganese: 30%
Phosphorus: 6%
Zinc: 3%
White Bread (1 slice, enriched)
Calories: 80
Fiber: 1 gram
Protein: 2 grams
Thiamin: 7%
Niacin: 7%
Folate: 8%
Iron: 6%
Magnesium: 2%
Manganese: 7%
Phosphorus: 3%
Zinc: 1%
Read the ingredients judiciously before picking!!