Home Home & Garden 5 Steps How You Can Get Rid Of Junk And Declutter Your Home

5 Steps How You Can Get Rid Of Junk And Declutter Your Home

by William Gist

Accumulating things in the house, yard, or garage is a problem that a lot of people face. Thanks to the fast pace of life – we often do not inspect what we ‘push’ into our drawers and cupboards, garage, or yard. After a while, this accumulation becomes a big problem that creates anxiety and bad energy in space. And that’s why you have to say: It’s enough! It’s time to pick up all that mess and clutter. Therefore, we will introduce you to 5 steps to get rid of junk and declutter your home.

Clutter Is All Around Us


Clutter is often all around us. Both at work and as well as home. Due to lack of time for tidying up – we will often find ourselves in a living space with too many books, clothes, children’s toys, and furniture – and that is not the end of the mess.

According to Cleanzen, regardless of the size of your home or your ability to make things look neat – clutter and its accumulation affect you, your mood, motivation, and quality of life. That’s why we will introduce you with 5 simple and practical steps on how to get rid of the clutter in your house – and how to make everything meaningfully have its place. You will discover it’s not that hard as you thought.

1.    Go With The Goal


Before you start any cleaning junk, it is important to take some time to clearly define your idea. So, how do you want your home to look, function? What kind of atmosphere do you want to create in it? Are things arranged in the right place or do they occupy awkward corners and represent obstacles?

Do you have small children who need free space to play? Do you often have guests or is your home just your empire? The goal and vision you develop in your head will guide you and help you make your home a beautiful, intimate, and functional space – that will satisfy your taste, the needs of your family, and your desires.

2.    Junk “Flies” Outside


If you decide to embark on an adventure of clearing up the riots around you – then commit to it as a serious work obligation. Make a plan and take the time in your unpacking schedule and don’t procrastinate or give up. Start each cleaning with a bag in hand.

Spend the first 5-10 minutes clearing empty boxes, old bills, empty packaging – or items you plan to throw away, and you can’t find the time. Dispose of everything that can be recycled in recycling bins –  and dispose of everything else, damaged and broken, in the garbage. If you can’t do everything yourself or you have certain garbage that involves recycling – then call a professional.

According to junkremovalftcollins.com, this solution is sometimes far better than inaccurate garbage disposal and self-cleaning –  which can take a very long time. Besides, these companies will help you dispose of all garbage in designated areas. Therefore, this is the ideal solution on how to get rid of old and unnecessary things that need to be discarded.

3.    Goodbye papers!


Mail, advertising catalogs, bills, prescription drugs, and doctor’s findings – those things can pile up very easily and create chaos in the living room. To avoid the pile of paper that needs to be sorted and that gives you a headache as you see it – sort the paper as soon as it appears. For invoices, you can separate one folder with several partitions marked with stickers.

Throw away advertising materials, mail and newspapers as soon as you browse or read them unless you think they are needed. In that case, again arrange them neatly and make some order in your drawers. You can apply the same principle to your inbox – because electronic clutter is also very easy to accumulate.

4.    Establish A Golden Rule Of Purchase


If both you and your family members just like to buy a little something that will look nice in your home – you will very soon find yourself in trouble, and not in the house of your dreams. For example, if you bought a new mattress, where will you put the old one? Not into a garage, we hope.

This is where the new golden rule of buying and decorating a house comes into play. Namely, as soon as you buy a new thing – the old one must go! Your family, and especially children, will accept this rule more easily if you encourage them to give old toys or clothes to someone who will be happy about it. This way, you will teach them good habits in maintaining a tidy room and closet. At the same time, you will teach them an even more important human trait – sharing with others.

5.    Think About Storage

It is quite true that bulky things and those that are not used all the time but we still need them – make the biggest mess and take up too much of our usable space.

So, think carefully and find a place where, say, an ironing board will not bother you when it is folded. Apply a similar rule in shopping. Therefore, before you buy a sunbed that will come in handy in the summer – think about where you will keep it for the rest of the year.

Keep The Space Tidy And Enjoy It


When you have cleared up the mess and organized everything in its place – keep your space tidy. We suggest that you take only 15 minutes each day and put everything back in its place. This routine and the habit of cleaning up after yourself will keep your home in a beautiful and tidy condition that you love.

The freedom and joy that come from living in space free of clutter is a transformation in your life. After this, you will feel relaxed and calm – and you will have several hours a day that you will be able to dedicate to yourself and activities that bring you joy.