
The demand for video content on various platforms recently has increased. On YouTube alone, people watch over one billion hours of video every day. While on Facebook, more than 4 billion video views happen every day. Even with this increase, video companies such as Spiel advise that your video’s success is pegged on how you bring a story to life and clarity to show what it is about.

A polished and professional video that captures your audience is easy to create. But first, you need to plan what goes from the intro up to the outro without losing your viewers’ interest. If you want to achieve a professional look, focus on technique than your tools. Your tools are important to help bring the needed shape or effect, but the creativity you apply to the tools counts the more.

Here are steps to create a professional online video by focusing on few details.

1. Planning


Before you begin any video, first, you need to ask a few questions:

  • Who is the video audience?
  • Will you use any script?
  • What is the goal?
  • Do you have metrics to determine its success?
  • Are there other producers with a similar approach?
  • What type of assets goes to the video?

When you answer all these questions for producing a video and what you plan to get out of it, be guaranteed to have a great output.

The next thing is to create a schedule for your video project. Be specific and realistic by creating a timetable with a deadline for all tasks involved in your production process. Come up with a budget that you’ll spend to make your video a success. If it’s your first project, you need to factor in upfront expenses for recording space and equipment.

2. Use Enough Light

Lighting can make or break your video quality. Therefore, make it your top priority to have plenty of light when filming. Low light video without enough light expose your video production work as amateurish and doesn’t cut for professional online video.

You can utilize sunlight if your lighting is not enough. And in case you rely on natural light to film, choose the time of the day when the light is not harsh. Filming requires softer light that captures clear video without shadows.

For indoor filming, observe the types of light you use and place them strategically. For instance, if not careful, overhead lighting can interfere with the preferred output of your video. A room with more expansive windows can bring enough light for your film. If you are using lamplight, a large type or two can balance plenty of light you want.

Video without a shadow is great for marketing or business videos. That’s why you should identify the need for your filming earlier to know exactly how the result will look like.

3. Clean Background


You may have good lighting, but if your background is messy, your video will neither look professional. A professionally done online video requires clear and solid-colored background. The reason for using solid color is to bring the desired reflection and avoid distracting your audience. Use of many colors or objects behind the subject interferes with the video’s intention.

Another important aspect of your film background is to ensure your environment is conducive. A good office, either at your workplace or home office, can work if no movements distract your filming sessions. Also, avoid bright colors as they may cause reflections and instead go for dull colors.

4. Use Different Angles to Shoot

To bring visual interest and professionalism, shoot from a variety of angles. The majority of the professional online video never miss this aspect to keep the targeted audience glued. One angle video may seem boring and can cause viewers to drop before halfway. Video production is work, and to keep up with the demand, you should use the high-level technique during the shooting process.

The use of various angles may work better for a product demo, how-to, or type of videos that demonstrate a practical way of doing things. You can shoot several B-roll recordings for every video and use it however you want later. Ensure in your change from one angle to another, set around 45 degrees for an effective outcome. If you use smaller shifts, it won’t bring the anticipated effect.

5. Keep your Editing Simple


After identifying the right editing program for your filmed video, keep your edits simple. A video with various effects may look unique and interesting, but do not overdo it. Any video with clean, simple and clear editing appear more professional. In fact, the audience rarely notices anything to do with editing unless something wrong happens and the flaw is exposed. Your editing should appear simple to the audience as long as they enjoy the intro to the outro without interruption.

Here are few tips to consider when editing your film:

  • Cancel any background noise using noise-canceling effect
  • Check whether the lights have a good balance
  • Cut any unnecessary silences or movements
  • Add background music if necessary and create transitions

After the editing is complete, go through your video project to make sure it looks professional. You should check some important areas, such as a cut of scenes that link to each other but lack any motion on one side. Those few glitches may destroy your video project if not dealt with.

Wrap Up

Today, you are dealing with a smart audience, whether watching videos on YouTube or Facebook. They can spot from a distance a professional and a poorly done video. It is vital to invest in the right tools to enhance your video production and build a lasting relationship with your audience.

When your videos are looking professional, your brand receives more exposure. Of course, creating quality videos requires you to keep practicing; however, you can use tools to simplify the production process. You only need to learn a few techniques as listed above. So, get to the action and create a professional online video that’ll impress your audience.