Home Business Content Repurposing: Why and How?

Content Repurposing: Why and How?

by Tracy Finke

Occasionally, a thought may arise in a content marketer’s mind that their blog needs some refreshing. Keeping readers interested is a crucial thing. As blog creators, we have a lot of tasks to accomplish but little time to get them done. We are always under pressure to produce high-quality content that our site visitors want.

Over time, every blog may get stale and lose the SEO capacity it once had. This does not mean that all your efforts have gone in vain. Repurposing content means keeping your previous blogs and revitalizing them to make them work more efficiently for your SEO.

In this guide, you will discover all the basics and strategies of content recycling. Therefore, to inspire your renovation efforts, we put together some tips and content repurposing examples below.

What Is Content Repurposing?

Source: bloggingpro.com

If you are a blogger and you habitually write a blog post, you do it with a specific audience and intent in mind. However, these can change as time goes by. Just like a marketer needs to verify email address for more efficient mailing, a blogger needs to keep up with trends in content production.

That’s where the methods of altering content come in handy. Repurposing content implicates adding to your content or heavily reviewing it to add more value. You can verify email address by https://getprospect.com/email-verifier.

Repurposing comes in many forms. Simply to say, you refresh your blog or website. Your refreshing work can significantly add value to the site by reaching a wider audience, adding fresh ways to highlight and adjust your message to relate to the up-to-date climate.

Refreshing your content in this way allows you to convey a message to the audience you missed in the first attempt. The main concept behind repurposing content is to take resources you’ve created, twist a story to your advantage, and thus give it new life. In fact, repurposing saves time, as you don’t have to create a new website from scratch.

Why Is Content Repurposing Helpful?

Apart from the fact that the strenuous work has been already done, here are some other benefits for content repurposing:

SEO-friendly Content

Source: carrefour-maires.com

Being a multifaceted endeavor, search engine optimization typically requires search engines to delve into several criteria when choosing a search’s results. By chance, recycling the content helps its SEO in many ways.

First, it helps you wisely invest your resources and reach more extensive audiences. For instance, you had one blog post with a good traffic amount and you created a related video and infographic. This way, your organic traffic will boost with minimal investment of money and time.

Second, when you renew your old blogs, you can put your SEO understanding to good use. It may occur that certain keywords that were viral when you wrote the blog now aren’t trendy anymore. You can rewrite the content to appeal to the latest keyword data.

Third, recycling your blog allows you to make a more recent update record.

Reach New Audiences

Source: brandignity.com

When you publish a part of content, the website performance might be average. Yet, over time, it gains power and improves its work. When you update the blog or repurpose ideas in a novel format, you have all chances to reach new reader segments that may have never been found otherwise.

Reinforce Your Message

When reflecting on the merits of repurposing ideas, some content experts point out that repetition is crucial when promoting. Marketing’s Rule of Seven emphasizes that customers should hear your message nearly seven times before they decide to close the deal.

If you don’t want to let your once-covered topic disappear into the archives, you need to reword your articles to constantly deliver your message to the audience. This method is effective if you’ve started with authoritative, high-value content.

Better-Quality Organic Visibility

Source: inc.com

Organic search is still directly related to the majority of site traffic. One study from BrightEdge revealed that organic search makes up a 51% share among traffic sources. If it is accurate, then rewriting optimized content in different formats can provide you with an important lift in organic traffic and visibility.

Publishing various content gives you more access to search real estate for targeted queries. If you publish your content on other sites, then you’ll sometimes also have the use of backlinks. All these advantages team up to make your repurposing efforts well worth your time.

How to Repurpose Content

Let’s suppose you’ve decided to repurpose content to update your website. There are some steps you can take to develop your materials repurposing strategy.

Identify Your Purpose

Begin with clear goals. Why do you wish to repurpose ideas?

  • Repurposing is necessary if your objectives have changed. For instance, if you want to attract subscribers with your post, and now you wish to bring qualified leads to promote your product, then go for it. To keep your article fixated on the same goal, revamp as it is a wiser choice.
  • Revamping means making petty edits, while repurposing requires a wide-ranging change. To revamp you will edit keywords, headers, meta descriptions, links, and so on.  To repurpose you will change the entire aim of your blog, transform it into another blog type.

Think about how to track those intents too. What impact on your business do you want to have?

Audit Your Current Content

Source: cuttingedgepr.com

Are you trying to reach a specific readers group or sell more of a certain service? You can begin by finding ideas that best match your present-day goals. The best working articles are those which facilitate the attainment of the goals.

Let’s say you want to reach out to buyers of your online course. Begin with texts that relate to personal development online or the general topic that the course covers.

In some cases, revamping can help increase traffic to a badly functioning website.

Assess Your Latest Feedback

Spend some time reviewing your blog’s comments. Try to find helpful pieces of feedback, where the audience suggests certain added extras or mentions weaknesses. Such comments are for sure worth attention.

Renew High-Performing Blog

Check out your site’s analytics. Note which blogs rank better for metrics like their linking structure, organic visibility, shares, reach, and other statistics of performance.

Find Ever-Popular Content

Source: singaporeseo.agency

Recycling an outdated blog is complex work. You can avoid it by posting always-relevant topics. Focus all your effort on timeless content that will make sense for many years.

Pick the classic topics that you can say enough about. You can push-start this by using content repurposing tools to find a list of prevalent subtopics, and what people ask, to develop your idea better.

Investigate Your Rivals

The next thing you should do is research your competitors with a method called the skyscraper technique.

  • This strategy helps improve online content. Find the best-performing content ideas for your topic on the net. See what they’ve done and make a better, all-inclusive version.
  • Next, reach out to websites or bloggers who linked to those trendy articles and share your upgraded version with them. This may help you get more page visitors.
  • Identifying keyword gaps is another technique: this will help you find out which of your posts rank well compared to your rivals. Keyword gaps analysis will highlight many keywords that your pages haven’t covered. Once you know which keywords it is better to target, find the most relevant articles to those keywords on your site and renew them, fitting them to your blog’s focus and audience.

Develop Your Ideas

After all this research is done, think about what shape you want your novel content to take. Don’t forget your original purpose. Do you want to attract new readers or followers, enter a new advertising channel, or improve your company image?

  • Having decided on the form, select a tactic that would work for you from the listed tactics below.
  • Next, create a detailed outline and turn it into excellent content. The progression depends on the content type you have in mind and content repurposing tools. Nonetheless, the end product needs to be the same: a revitalized content version that has all chances to be popular.

4 Tactics to Help You

As with any digital marketing activity, content repurposing requires well-thought-out tactics. Your final decision will depend on the number of resources and time available, as well as the kind of information you need. Ultimately, you should find the best fit for your skills and your company’s needs. See some great options about renewing content below.

1. Republish Your Content

This strategy is the most straightforward type of content renewing. It means taking an up-and-coming blog post, redirecting it to a new goal or new audience, and republishing it.

The practice of republishing your articles on other sites is called content syndication. For example, you can publish guest posts on external websites. This is a quick and affordable way to get your brand and ideas in front of larger audiences. Hence, guest posting is one of the most helpful tips.

  • You can try reposting your content on popular sites like Product Hunt, Quora, and Medium.

2. Record Your Best Content

There are several ways to do it:

  • Turn your most popular articles into podcasts – record them as audio.
  • Another effective option is preparing a webinar. If you constantly work on building a name as a webinar pro and interest more and more listeners, you could reach huge audiences – hundreds or thousands.
  • The next beneficial option is creating videos on the basis of your content. You can extend your reach to the audience if you want to reuse the content of your blogs as a visual aid.

Videos allow trying out new promotional channels like YouTube. This type of content is perfect for people who prefer watching a short video to reading a blog post of 1,000-words.

3. Visualize Your Blog Content

Source: techradar.com

One working strategy is to change the form of your articles. Turn them into snippets like bright graphics, videos, and other quick pieces that attract viewers.

  • Turn the handy info from your blogs into striking infographics for website additions, emails, social media posts, and more. Research results show that infographics get 12% of traffic more, and 200% more shares than sole no-image posts.
  • PowerPoint presentations are another great option to attract those who want easy-to-digest, swift information. Consider renewing your blogs into PowerPoints and SlideShare.

4. Group Your Current Content

As you create promotion campaigns for your company or service, keep in mind your content. Turn your blogs into a well-organized, directed campaign on a certain product you offer.

  • Regular emails contain valuable, attention-grabbing content handy for potential clients’ inboxes. You can create an email series from your well-aligned web pages, adding some more samples, guidelines, and links to help your readers navigate through the information you are sharing.
  • One more solution can be using eBooks as blogs, as they allow taking a deeper dive into your articles. If you have several blogs on a certain topic, you may gather them into a unified eBook.

Once you’ve chosen the form for your new content and selected the right tactic, use the essential content repurposing software like the ones listed below to make recycling much easier!

  1. Piktochart
  2. DesignrrS
  3. SEMrush Content Marketplace
  4. Audacity
  5. Visme
  6. MeetEdgar
  7. Animoto
  8. Blurb


To wrap up, remember that you do not always have to create new content. Via repurposing tactics, you’ll reach out to a broader audience, save your time, and make the most of your published content.

If you have great articles on your website, you can turn them into a productive business instead of just using them once. The tips listed above will allow you to keep your previous blogs and refresh them so that they work more efficiently.