If your profession is not related to IT or you are not an IT expert, it is very likely that you have never even thought about where your website is located, but you have taken it for granted. And you know how important a website is and it may even be your main business tool. But since this is the time when IT is all around us, it is time for you to learn something about it and choose the best for your business. It is clear to you that your site must be hosted.

Now the question is where? Of course, price, upload, download speed and other factors are very important. In front of you are various available hosting options. All of them have advantages and disadvantages, but cloud and dedicated options have proven to be the best and therefore the most commonly used. Today we will make a comparison of which of these two options are better for your business.

Cloud server

This is the most modern form of hosting and is being used more and more often. Unlike the dedicated server about who we will write later, the cloud is a virtual hosting site that operates in a cloud environment. From development to use, it is completely online and therefore it is possible to access it from anywhere, as well as any cloud that we use to store photos and documents.

It has its own software that makes it completely independent and functional. This means that it is not closely connected to one server, but functions through different ones and therefore it is not affected by failures, but continues to work constantly. It is something that is becoming more widespread and more and more companies plan to implement it in their work in the future. When we talk about payment, consider these services as a utility. Although it seems like a great option, it is a double-edged sword, which we will talk about later. To learn more about cloud servers visit

Dedicated server

This is closer to what you imagine when we say server. It is a physical server that serves only the needs of your website. Although it is something that has been used for a long time, it is by no means obsolete. The reason is that you have complete control over everything and no one else has influence over your data. It is also up to you to hire people to maintain it and in that way you can bring everything to a very high level. It must be in an air-conditioned room and always have supervision.

You will have a unique IP address and how you will lead the whole process and whether you will increase the volume or decrease it is entirely up to you. You are responsible for both the hardware and the software so your options are limitless.

You choose the RAM, memory and all other necessary components according to your needs. There is also something called a private cloud. It is a mixture of these two concepts, and now we will explain to you how it works. If the need is such that you want to access your data from anywhere, but have a dedicated server, then a private cloud must be created. A virtual space will be created, but only available to you, not everyone, as is usually the case when using the cloud.

Also according to Intergrid, dedicated servers can successfully work in over 50 operating systems, so don’t have to worry no matter which operating system you have.

Advantages and disadvantages of cloud servers

When we look at it objectively, both options have more advantages than disadvantages, but there are certain drawbacks, so it’s up to you to decide which drawbacks bother you less. The advantages are that you do not need any infrastructure. You don’t need to invest into the infrastructure at the beginning which is significant if you are starting a business, but just sign up for services and that’s it.

Then decide on the options you want to pay for, such as storage space and the like. As we mentioned before, it’s a double-edged sword. No matter how good it is, because we pay, for example, like the electricity bill, it can turn out to be very expensive in the end. If we continue to improve options then the price will skyrocket. Another advantage of not investing in the infrastructure is great flexibility.

For example, you want to increase or decrease storage space, it will do so with a few clicks, without having to buy expensive equipment. And of course, it is possible to access from anywhere, and data backup is as secure as anything in the world. However, this does not mean that security is equally high, because you have no influence on security and breaches are often. And technical support is very slow.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dedicated server

The biggest advantage is that you have complete control. It also brings you much more security, because you will build the security systems you want. The more important the data you store, the more you will invest in security systems, but this is not a problem precisely because you determine everything. The third party has no impact. Also, you can function even without Internet access.

Of course you need the internet because of the website, but in case of internet interruption, you can continue working, which is not the case with the cloud because it only exists online. The disadvantages are that you have to invest more money in the beginning, but it pays off in the long run, so it can’t even be considered a disadvantage unless you are very short with money.

You also need to set aside space where it will be physically located and employ people to maintain it. Which is again a positive thing, but it requires money. And expansion requires investment in infrastructure, which is time consuming. You cannot instantly upgrade options.


While both have advantages and disadvantages and are likely to both do a good job for you, if you really want data security and huge capabilities, a dedicated server is a better choice for you.