
Winter is upon us. This doesn’t mean much if you live in California, but for people who live in colder areas, it means a lot. If you’re in the middle of home renovation it can make all the difference in the world. You only have an opportunity to change your flooring two times in your life.

When you’re building a new house, or when you’re redecorating the old one. Either way, you need to be wise when making a decision tied to flooring. When winter comes, you do not want cold feet.

This is why you must select proper flooring for each room in your home. This is no easy task. But, you have us. We’re here, and you’re reading this article. By now, you know what we’re going to talk about. That’s right. It is two things. Warmth and flooring. These two things go hand in hand, or should we say feet in feet.

If you continue reading we are going to help you in learning how to choose the warmest flooring option for your home. This is a  good thing to know. Cold winters are more bearable when you have proper protection for your feet. So, let’s see what materials you have at your disposal that can be a great solution for your flooring

Luxury Vinyl Flooring


Have you heard of this material? It is a great solution for your floors. LVT is quite a popular option that you can find here. It is warm and cozy. The best part is that it is easy to clean. What’s even better is that the so-called laminate comes in various shapes and sizes.

You can make your floors as stylish as you want with this material. If you’re eager to discover more about it you’ll find out that it can come in different stripes. Some will resemble classic wood, while others can be created to reflect standard tiles. Texture can be whatever you like with laminate.

It is its versatility that makes it so desirable, and the first choice for many people who want new and warmer floors. While you might get the impression that this material is not too warm, because it is thin, you are wrong. It doesn’t get put down on clear concrete, but instead, you have an additional layer of insulation that goes beneath.

As we said, it is quite versatile and you can use it in almost any room in the house starting with bedrooms, living rooms, and family rooms. As you might have guessed it is not recommended to be used in bathrooms or any other room with a lot of humidity you might have.

Cork Flooring


Now, here’s a big surprise. You’d be shocked to hear just how many homeowners do not even consider this material as an option for their floors. But, it is. Not only that, but it’s an eco-friendly option too, which makes it great if you care about the environment.

What you’ll like about this material is that it is quite springy.  Because of this, it will keep your feet warm in all conditions. Most people who used it recommended it wholeheartedly. The best place to put it first is, as you could have already guessed, the kitchen.

The thing you need to pay attention to with this material is to seal it properly. If you do this you’ll have a bulletproof kitchen. Stains and moisture, the biggest enemies of every housewife will be repelled. In addition, it is also a quite durable material. Just another plus.



Good old solution. One that has been around for centuries. You’ll find carpets in all ancient cultures. It doesn’t matter if we talk about Rome or Persia, or old Chinese empires. You agree with us, right? Carpets are cozy from the mere sight of them. They’re warm, soft, and above all else a comfortable solution.

The best part about them is that you can put them on the floor surface. You can put it on LVT, or any other surface. They function best with underfloor heating as they do not allow heat loss to a high extent. If you want to focus on the best of the best we can recommend that you go for wool carpets. Yes, they are expensive, but a great option nonetheless. They’re worth every extra penny.

Engineered Hardwood Flooring


Let’s talk about the in-demand merchandise. That’s what engineered hardwood flooring is. It is quite similar to standard solid hardwood. But, what makes it even better is the added stability. You’ll notice this straight away if you live in areas with more humidity and air temperature oscillations. The downside of regular hardwood is that it reacts to the environment. It expands the heat and it can shrink when it’s cold.

Due to these factors, it can create so-called cupping and buckling. But, when we talk about the engineered version this cannot happen. It is made in such a manner that it can withstand different climate changes, and we’re talking even about the hardest conditions.

But, what needs to be mentioned is that it does not provide enough warmth on its own. This material relies heavily on your insulation. If your insulation is not modern and recently done, this material could prove to be not exactly what you were asking for.

Linoleum Flooring


This is an interesting option. Many people use it. It is not extraordinary. Because of its accessibility and price, it is the first choice for many houses. Do you know what it is? Linoleum is best known for its smooth surface. When you buy it, it will be rolled in similarly to any carpet.

Once you plan to put it down you simply open the roll and start laying it down from one corner to another.  When it’s down it will be a while until the end parts settle and most likely you will have to pin it down. This is due to rubbery properties that come from linseed oil,  resins, gums, and cork fillings. We put it in the last place as it is probably the worst option when compared to the ones we put above.