Whole grains provide you a “complete package” of several health benefits, than refined grains that are stripped of the valuable nutrients in its refining process. Whole grain kernels have 3 important parts: bran, germ & endosperm. Every section houses some health-promoting nutrients. Bran is a fiber-rich layer that supplies vitamins B, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. You can read more about the importance of antioxidants on health on Dr Natura.

Benefits of Whole Grain Foods5

Phytochemicals are the natural chemical compounds present in plants that are researched for the role in the prevention of the disease. The germ is a core of seed where the growth happens; it’s rich in healthy fats, vitamin, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The endosperm is an interior layer, which holds protein, carbohydrates, and small amounts of vitamins and minerals.

All these components have different effects on your bodies:

  • Bran & fiber slow down the process of starch in glucose and thus maintaining the steady blood sugar instead causing any sharp spikes.
  • Fiber can help to prevent the formation of the small blood clots, which will trigger heart attacks and strokes.
  • Phytochemicals & essential minerals like selenium, magnesium, and copper seen in the whole grains might protect against a few cancers.
  • Fiber helps to lower cholesterol and move any waste through the digestive tract.
Benefits of Whole Grain Foods2

Why is it very important to eat whole grains?

Eating whole grains offers many health benefits. If you take a survey on the best grains, then whole grains will achieve the maximum vote. In case you are interested in that kind of questionnaire, click here, complete the survey and get a chance to eat delicious whole grain Pizza. People eating whole grains as a part of their healthy diet have a lower risk of chronic diseases. Whole grains provide several nutrients vital for our health & maintenance of our system.

  • Dietary fiber from the whole grains and other foods can help to reduce the blood cholesterol levels as well as lower down the risk of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes type 2. Fiber is very important for the right bowel function. This helps to reduce diverticulosis and constipation. Fiber-containing foods like whole grains will help to provide the fullness feeling with lesser calories.
  • Grains are the important sources of several nutrients, which include dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Folate, another vitamin, helps your body form the red blood cells. Women who might become pregnant must consume enough folate from the foods, and 400mcg of the synthetic folic from the fortified foods and supplements. It reduces the risk of the spina bifida, neural tube defects, and anencephaly at the time of fetal development.
  • Vitamins thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin play an important role in metabolism – and they help your body to release energy from fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Vitamins B is necessary for a healthy nervous system. Lots of refined grains are highly enriched with such vitamins.
  • Whole grains are the main sources of selenium and magnesium. Magnesium is the mineral used for building bones as well as releasing energy from the muscles. Selenium will protect the cells from oxidation and is important for the healthy immune system.
  • Iron is responsible for carrying oxygen in our blood. Lots of teenage girls & women in the childbearing years have got iron-deficiency anemia. And they must eat foods that are high in the heme-iron (or meats) and eat other iron having foods all along with the foods rich in the vitamin C that will improve absorption of the non-heme iron. The whole & enriched grain products are important sources of the non-heme iron.
Benefits of Whole Grain Foods

Health benefits of Eating Whole Grains

  • Consuming foods having fiber, like whole grains, as a part of the healthy diet, might reduce constipation.
  • Eating whole grains will help with weight management.
  • Eating whole grains as a part of the healthy diet will reduce any heart disease risk.
  • Eating whole grain products that are fortified with the folate before & during pregnancy helps to prevent the neural tube defects in fetal development.