
A lot of people wish to make donations but are scared to use their financial information over the internet. It is due to the negative impacts a specific percentage of the population has suffered. With the introduction of cryptocurrencies, donating to charities has become safer and also reliable. You can either donate directly or use a platform.

You also have other options that you can use to donate to legitimate charities around the world. It is also possible for you to remain anonymous when you donate to a charity. So, a person wishing to donate has several options to consider. We will look at the tips you can use to ensure that your donations do not reach the wrong organization.

Top 6 Tips To Donate To Charities Using Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies

There are a few tips that you can use to ensure a safe, secure, and easy donation using cryptocurrencies. These tips can ensure that you are never at risk of being identified as an individual or organization. Find more information at

1. Identify the Right Charity


There are hundreds of charities that accept cryptocurrency as a donation option. However, not all charitable organizations can be trusted to use the money received for the purposes you donated it for. It is one of the crucial things that you should check for.

It does not happen in just one place or country, but all around the world. Therefore, you should verify the credentials of the organization that you are planning to donate for. These credentials of charitable organizations can be verified on the internet.

You can see how they have used the funds they have received in donations so far. It would help you get a clear understanding of how your donations are used appropriately. So, this is one of the first tips you should consider before you think about donating.

2. Purpose


The purpose of the donation is also something you should look at before sending cryptocurrency. Aids, child welfare, hunger, poverty, COVID -19, cancer treatments, malnutritional kids’ relief, and others are some of the common purposes you can donate towards. You should think about everything and contribute to the right cause.

However, if you have a specific purpose you are planning to donate cryptocurrency towards, you can select an organization on that specific basis. While some organizations support a variety of causes, others are precisely geared towards particular needs and purposes.

Therefore, consider these purposes and donate to the right one with your cryptocurrency. It will also give you the satisfaction of knowing that you are contributing for the right reason and not just donating any amount to any organization.

3. Whether Anonymity Is Desired


People who make large amounts of donations in cryptocurrency choose to remain anonymous. They do not prefer their identity to be revealed by any means. While this speaks volumes about their modesty, there are only certain organizations that allow it.

Therefore, you should find out if the organization for which you want to make a donation allows you to be anonymous or not. You can avoid the hassles that come with revealing your identity. Unnecessary exposure can even end up costing you your privacy.

So, select organizations that allow you to remain anonymous when you make a donation using cryptocurrency. If you choose otherwise, you can go ahead with organizations that do not allow you to remain anonymous as well. It is often a personal choice for people.

4. Using a Platform


There are various platforms you can use to donate cryptocurrency to charitable organizations. These donations help you with a variety of factors, including keeping your personal information secure. Under no circumstances would your identity be revealed.

The platforms also offer a secure method of transacting. Although your blockchain address would be revealed, there would be no means to trace it back to the origin or the individual. Therefore, using a platform has its advantages.

If you choose to use a platform, you must select one that does not have too many fees involved in transfers or exchanges. It can end up lowering the amount of money that you donate to an organization using cryptocurrency.

5. Avoid IRS

There is a set of regulations in the United States with the IRS as it considers cryptocurrency to be property. So, you can donate up to 30% of your income in cryptocurrency without attracting unwanted attention from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Also, you must know the status of the charitable organization that you are donating to. Private charity and public charity foundations differ by 10% of the total amount you can contribute. Being aware of this is very important for a donor.

If you donate more than you earn, you may find yourself on the receiving end of taxation. Speaking with a certified, qualified, and experienced accountant or a chartered accountant can help you overcome this hurdle if you are donating hefty amounts.

6. If Necessary, Ensure Privacy


Everyone knows that donating cryptocurrencies can be easy and untraceable if the donor wants to be anonymous. However, there are other options to consider, like paying with a QR code or using your bitcoin wallet.

These are better ways to secure your transactions without being traced. It especially helps people who donate large amounts of money towards charity. Without a mediator, your personal and financial information can never be traced after you donate.

Bottom Line

Donating to charitable organizations can be one of the best ways to help those in need. It is also considered an easier way of making donations than traditional methods. Consider the tips that we provided before donating. These can be especially helpful if you plan to make large amounts as donations.

Apart from using bitcoin, there are a lot of other cheaper cryptocurrencies that you can use to donate. Using the internet, you can find what the alternatives to bitcoin are. It would also give you the flexibility to use different cryptocurrencies to make donations.