Investing in Bitcoin and other crypto became very popular, which should not be a surprise considering the high values and predictions that are saying that prices will become even higher in the future. While it can be challenging, one of the main features that are influencing such high popularity is the high volatility of BTC and other options.
In that matter, the best way to gain profit on your trades is to keep track of the most recent changes on the market. The best way is to use special software that you can check if you visit this site
Moreover, it seems like a significant step forward to the global acceptance of cryptocurrencies when we know that many counties are looking to regulate this market and introduce taxes. It is important to learn more about the regulations in your country so you can avoid possibilities for legal issues. There are different rules for trading, mining, selling, possessing, and other options where crypto is included.
There are some steps that you will need to complete when you are planning to file a tax report related to the profit you made on this market. First of all, you will have to save proof of your transactions so it can be easier to create reports. Besides, check the requested form in your state to learn the formalities. In case you find it difficult, the best option is to hire an expert so you can avoid issues that could lead to penalties.
Furthermore, most of these regulations that are introduced to regulate the market of cryptocurrencies are new, and there are chances that countries will change them in the future. In most cases, you will have to pay taxes in the same way as for capital gains.
Therefore, the average rate is around 25%. On the other side, there are still some ways to avoid paying any taxes at all, but it is crucial to be sure that you are not doing anything illegal. Here are some legal ways to avoid paying taxes when trading with Bitcoin.
1. Report Your Crypto Trades As Income

You can choose this solution in case you have a store that accepts crypto as a standard way of payment. Also, miners can report their activities so they can request deductions related to expenses for the equipment and electricity that is spent during the process. The advantage of this option is that you will meet much lower rates for taxation since it will observe all your financial activities during the year, not only those related to cryptocurrencies.
2. Use a Gift Option

Another great solution is to use the advantage of gifting where you can transfer up to $15k in assets to your family members. However, be sure that people that are receiving the gift don’t have too high incomes because that will also lead to higher taxes.
Besides that, you can choose to send your BTC to charity and get the benefits like tax deductions. For example, gifting a $20k worth of BTC might activate a similar amount of deductions. Also, charity organizations won’t need to pay any taxes in this case.
3. Balancing the Losses
As we already mentioned, there is a way to cover additional gains and losses over the year by reporting a certain amount of profit you made by trading with Bitcoin. In that matter, if you had bad situations with trading where you were losing money, it can be a great way to secure a proper deduction. There is an annual limit of $3k that you can get as deductions, while the amount that goes over it can be transferred to another year.
4. Keep it And Wait for a Higher Value

This is the easiest solution that will help you to avoid complicated forms, reports, and paying taxes. When you look at the current predictions, a lot of experts are saying that the value of Bitcoin might reach the price of over $100,000 in the next few years.
The tax rate will depend on the value that was active when you bought it. Still, when you got a huge profit paying the taxes won’t be such a problem. Also, you should always keep it on your portfolio for more than a year so you can report it as long-term gains, and meet lower tax rates.
Consider Moving To Another Country

The United States and some other countries are quite strict when it comes to taxation in different areas. However, the situation is not the same in every country in the world. In case you are a US citizen, the best solution would be to move to Puerto Rico. The great thing about this country is that it is formally a part of the United States, while there are quite different rules related to taxation.
The most important thing is that capital gains are not a subject of taxation, which means that moving there can be the best move if you bought Bitcoin for a much lower price than it is today, and sell it legally without any chances to get into legal troubles.
The Bottom Line
In case you find these tips too complicated and you are afraid that there is still a chance to face legal issues, there are some great ways to decrease the rates as well. We already mentioned that it is always the best choice to wait for long-term activities with crypto. Besides that, you can invest money you got on crypto into your retirement account, which will also reduce the rates.
In case you are mining, it is crucial to report detailed reports related to your activities, expenses related to hardware and energy, along with price changes so you can get the most of tax deductions. Another solution is to simply wait for some new regulations since there is a chance for a whole new legal system that will organize this market separately from other assets. The worst decision would be to simply avoid paying taxes while you are using standard processes that includes conversion to standard currencies.