How many times a day do you remind yourself to put grocery tote bags in the car or back in your bag you take for the day. As consumer culture is changing, so is the way we take our products home. It has even developed an old basic solution into a new thing to purchase.

Matched with today’s overstimulated culture everyone has a ton of reusable tote bags but forgets to use them. For those that are successful and have changed their habits, what is the best kind to use and what works the best? With so many different choices we can own a hundred of them and still not use them. What is it that makes a shopping tote bag useful?

Practicality is big with busy shoppers today, as it how they look. It needs to be big enough to carry a small cart of groceries, small enough to be able to stash in easy to find places, and durable enough to withstand getting wet, sticky, and overpacked. There will be some totes where functionality will be priority and others, aesthetics. Depending on which description fits your personality, will change the effectiveness of whatever bags you are using.

Most people need or want shoulder or hand strap bags for transporting goods home or to and from the car. As a consumer culture, we are way too lenient on plastic grocery bags that provide a strong handle and sanitation. The most functional reusable bags emulate these details. For people who walk long distances, it is even more efficient to have a tote that can be carried on the back for comfort and mobility. This is where waterproof material also becomes an added bonus. If you are looking for reusable bags for bulk items and produce or carting around dirty gym shoes, looking to the functionality is how most people choose their tote bags.


According to Totebagfactory, functional grocery tote bags are durable, spacious, waterproof, and easy to carry around. The amount of grocery bags being produced by grocery stores are totes with all these qualities and are bags with shoulder straps. The shopping bags you buy at a particular store will be built to hold their merchandise and brand their name.

With an emphasis on the reusable tote bag, many companies are pumping out thousands of plastic polyurethane reusable bags. Unfortunately, they are anticipating that you will forget your own bags and need to buy more than they have handy.

Depending on whether you have a car or walk to the shop in an urban area, changes the functionality your reusable shopping bags need to have. Many people in cities have reusable bags that are attached to wheels, so they don’t have to carry around heavy bags all day. Other bags you often see in urban areas are small flat canvas bags that easily fit under the arm. They are useful for picking up a couple of groceries after work and hold a book or wallet safely. These canvas totes are lightweight, tuck nicely under an arm, and so easy to carry when empty. Often people buy these with a picture or phrase that is screen printed on the bag that fits with their aesthetic.


If your style is the priority influencing factor in using tote bags, your options are endless. People repurpose fashion bags and luggage to effectively and fashionably carry around their goods. As well, old wicker and functional baskets for carrying food have now become fashionable as an accessory. Even if you are not planning to use your fashion bag to cart groceries you know can without sacrificing looking like a bag lady.

Reusable Tote Lifestyle

The reusable lifestyle has grown everywhere. The habits of reuse and recycle lifestyle take time to transition from. You’ll be more successful at using your reusable shopping totes if you very intentionally find ones that fit your lifestyle. Ones you enjoy carrying around with you, and ones that help express what’s important to you. If you like the way your bags look, then you will less likely forget to use them. If you continually are buying cheap reusable bags because you forgot yours, you will be less likely to remember them. Owning just a few that mean something to you will aspire you to use them, and possibly others around you to do the same. If you are looking for some eco-friendly products check Ecoy and know more.