Donald Trump

ECONOTIMES – 01/29/2020: Donald Trump is scheduled to give a speech at the State of the Union on February 4th. This will be his last addressing to the Congress before the November elections. If he doesn’t get reelected, someone else will be giving it in the next four years. Because of this, he probably needs to leave an impression.

The speech is already completed, and people close to President know essential points around which will Trump base his addressing to the Union. The exciting part is that POTUS didn’t include his wife Melania Trump and her Be Best initiative in his speech.

Donald Trump

There is still time to change this before February 6th, but there are no indications that this is going to happen. State of the Union has the goal to let the President speak of his achievements during the past year based on what he promised the year prior. Same as the POTUS, the First Lady is active during the year. She also has goals to accomplish and promises to fulfill.

Read Also: How Melania Trump Exorcised Michelle Obama From The White House

In the past, Presidents used the State of the Union to speak to Congress and the nation on their achievements, but also on the acquirement of the First Lady. But, Donald has yet to accept and put to paper what Melania did with her Be Best campaign. Like we said before, Trump, all past Presidents talked about their wives. This includes Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

According to experts, Donald Trump didn’t overlook Melania’s Be Best campaign. The reason is that he is not behaving in accordance with her anti-cyber-bullying program. What Donald Trump does on Twitter every day, calling out different individuals, can be seen as cyber-bullying.

As you probably recall, Donald Trump entered a war of words on social networks with more than one person. Some of the most notable are Greta Thunberg, Hillary Clinton, Pope Francis, Jeff Bezos, Joe Biden, Jimmy Kimmel, and Stephen Colbert, among others. This also might be the primary reason why Trump won’t be mentioning Be Best campaign during his addressing on the State of the Union on February 6th.


By Sinisav