Any job seeker gets a potential job after countless application processes, in-persons as well as telephonic interviews. After that, they get the final call from the recruiter it is certainly their choice whether they will accept the job offer or not. But if the candidate thinks it to be worth enough to accept the job offer then he/she must send an acceptance letter to the employer stating that you will join the company with the said date and time.

But writing an acceptance is not an easy task as it will show your professionalism as well as your writing skills to the employer. So, while writing the job acceptance letter you must be very careful and should write in such a way that no recruiter can find out any kind of mistakes on it. That is the reason why we have come up with seven essential tips which will certainly help you to write an impressive job acceptance letter. But still, if you want to see some samples or templates then check it here on The following are some essential tips:

Including the contact details: In the job acceptance letter, the first thing that you need to ensure is to include your name, address, phone number, email Id. After that, you have to provide the date on which you will be sending the letter to the recruiter. Then mention the Name of the recruiter, his designation, as well as the name of the company.

Use of proper salutation: A job acceptance letter is a kind of professional letter and just like any other professional letter you should keep your job acceptance letter very professional. It actually demonstrates your writing skill and gives you a good representation of the company. As such it is very important to use a proper salutation in the job acceptance letter. You should take the last name or first name of the recruiting manager to whom you are sending the letter. But you should never utter words like Sir or Madam rather is always better to use first or last name after the proper salutation such as ‘Dear’.

Thanking the company: The recruiter has shown faith in you and selected you among hundreds of candidates. So, you should appreciate the recruiter for providing you the position that you have applied. Since the recruiter has given you an opportunity to work with the company you should be thankful to him. Moreover, it is always better to demonstrate how much thankful you are by getting the job offer.

Clear all your doubts: It is very important to make sure that you have understood every term and condition that the company has kept with you. Check the compensation, benefits, leaves, designation, etc. given in your offer letter and if there are any doubts or if you have any question then clear it before you give your acceptance for joining the job.
Ask for required documentation: In most cases, it is seen that the recruiter asks for some documents that the employee do not have and it causes a problem on the date of joining. So ask the recruiter to let you know if they need any further documentation so that you can collect it prior to your joining date.

Conclude the letter: In the concluding part, you should use proper closing terms such as ‘Sincerely’, ‘Thanking You’, ‘Best Regards’, etc. After that, you should put your signature and name in the letter.

Proofread the letter: After completing the letter you should proofread the letter at least once and make sure that there is no spelling or grammatical mistakes in the letter. This kind of silly mistakes may give you a bad impression on the company.