After your rhinoplasty, you may be in a hurry to see the great results of your surgery. The process of recovery can take time, and it’s important that you allow your body to heal properly before engaging in activities that could potentially cause you discomfort or alter the results of your procedure.

The good news is that there are some steps you can take to ensure that your healing goes smoothly, and help to speed up the healing process.

What does the rhinoplasty recovery timeline look like?

You may recover from the surgery itself within 6 to 8 weeks. According to the plastic surgeons at, however, it could take up to a full year before your nose is completely healed. This may sound like it’s a long time to wait for results, and healing milestones can vary between individuals, but all surgery causes trauma to the body.
  • Week 1: There may be bruising and swelling after surgery that is still visible at this point. The splint can be taken off, and beyond some remaining bruising, you should show little to no signs of the surgery.
  • Week 2: All of the bruising and swelling should have subsided.
  • Weeks 3-4: You should be free from discomfort and pain and should be able to safely return to your active lifestyle.
  • Weeks 6-8: Your bones should have healed, and you can return to blowing your nose and wearing glasses if needed.
  • Months 3-6: Any numbness and strange sensations should have subsided.
  • Months 6-12: The swelling should be completely gone by this point. The new shape of your nose should be refined and noticeable.

Is it possible to speed things up with your recovery? There are actually a number of steps that you can take to ensure that your recovery from your rhinoplasty goes smoothly.

  • Pay attention to what your body is telling you

One of the most important parts of recovery from any procedure is to listen to what your body is telling you. The surgery is not overly invasive, and the recovery is typically an easy one. However, it’s important that you listen to your body. If you feel fatigue, then you should rest. If you feel that something doesn’t feel right, then you should contact your surgeon.

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions

It’s important that you following the preoperative and postoperative instructions provided by your surgeon. You could research the procedure and recovery process for hours, but nothing compares to the solid information that your plastic surgeon will provide you. Your surgeon will be aware of any concerns unique to you and your recovery and will also provide precise directions about any medications that you are prescribed. Be sure to attend your follow up appointments.

  • Get good rest and elevate your head

Getting plenty of rest is an important part of recovering from surgery. Your nose will feel congested and swollen, which can lead to discomfort. Sleeping with your head propped up on several pillows, or sleeping sitting in a recliner, will help to ease some of the discomfort so that you can get the rest that your body needs. You should sleep with an elevated head for 6 weeks after surgery.

  • Use ice packs when needed

A cold compress can help to reduce some of the discomfort that you feel after surgery. It can also help to reduce the postoperative swelling you feel. Take care to apply the compress to your cheeks and not directly to your sensitive nose.

  • Skip the heat

It may feel good to indulge in a steamy shower or spend time in a sauna, but heat is not the best choice when you’re recovering from rhinoplasty. Heat can lead to swelling in your already swollen nose, which won’t feel very comfortable.

  • Skip the specs

Prescription glasses and sunglasses should be avoided, when possible. Anything that can apply pressure to your healing nose can lead to additional swelling and bruising. Speak to your surgeon about whether you can wear contacts during recovery.

  • Try not to blow your nose

You will experience a fair bit of postoperative congestion for several weeks. This is as the result of swollen nasal tissues, but can make you feel like you need to blow your nose. Use a moisturizing saline spray and try to sneeze through your mouth if you need to. You can resume blowing your nose around week 6 of recovery.
  • Avoid spending time in the sun

Your nose will be more sensitive to the harsh rays of the sun in the weeks after your rhinoplasty. Avoid extensive time in the sun and take steps to protect your nose and your face by wearing a hat. Too much time in the sun can also lead to excessive darkening of scar tissue and may also lead to an increase in your swelling.

  • Stay healthy during recovery

Maintain a healthy lifestyle before and after surgery. A balanced diet can help to boost your body’s ability to heal itself. Be sure that your diet includes plenty of protein, along with ample Vitamins C and A.

  • Stay patient and focus on feeling good

You’re bound to be excited and anxious about seeing the results of your procedure as soon as is possible. It’s more important that your body is healthy and heals at the right pace than it is to push yourself during recovery. Your nose will heal in time, and you will see those wonderful results from the rhinoplasty.

Are you ready to learn more about the rhinoplasty procedure? Schedule your consultation to learn whether you are a good candidate. Your surgeon will guide you through the procedure and answer any questions that you may have about the recovery stage.