An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is a benefit that is typically provided by a privately held firm to benefit itself, its shareholders, and its employees. With a deferred-tax benefit to employees, it’s also a highly sought after and coveted benefit that many employers use to attract new talent.
ESOPs work best for a business that has an educated and diverse workforce that serves in a variety of roles. While there are different types of ESOP programs available to offer, the most common type offered is a non-leveraged ESOP.
This provides the most advantage to almost everyone involved by promoting the development of the business, incentivizing shareholders by providing liquidity if necessary, and giving a tax-favored benefit to employees at no charge to them they can utilize in retirement or earlier. ESOPs are regulated by the Department of Labor and collapse under the Employee Retirement and Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) for IRS tax code purposes.
Additional ESOP Benefits for Companies and Employers

ESOP benefit offerings encourage the employer contributing company to invest in its own success and provide a source of internal charge if the business happens to need liquidity. Contributions to finance the plan are constantly made in non-borrowed funds like stock or cash contributions that are tax-deductible in most cases.
The company’s newly issued shares are appraised, and the contributing employer has some discretion in the amount that’s used to fund the contributions held in the ESOP trust. Improved cash flow and a reduced tax duty are the primary motivating factors which make non-leveraged ESOP benefits appealing to the contributing business.
A Shareholder’s Benefit to Investing with ESOPs

An ESOP provides shareholders with the benefit of investing in a business that might otherwise not be accessible. Since ESOP shares are easily liquidated, the shareholder also benefits from having instant access to their funds rather than having to take a deferred payment arrangement.
Shareholders may also profit from the sale of their shares to the ESOP to reinvest elsewhere as a way to defer taxation on any gains from the sale. It’s important to remember that this only applies in certain situations and it is best to consult with a tax attorney or accountant before buying or selling with any ESOP.
The Employee’s Benefit with an ESOP

Employees perhaps benefit the most from their business offering an ESOP. With an ESOP, they receive a benefit that does not cost them anything and supplies a tax-deferred nest egg that can be used in retirement and even earlier in some scenarios. ESOP plans also allow for a lien or an estate to receive the proceeds of sale in case of the worker passing away. ESOP plans benefit workers with a fair period of service that plan on staying employed with the company until retirement.
The increase the share’s value can provide a rather lucrative retirement or safety net if the business closes before the employee’s anticipated retirement date. The employee can get cash if the business closes early and the taxes and associated penalties could be negated when rolled over to a qualified IRA plan. This is also true if the employee leaves the company by themselves or is terminated. Specifics concerning the tax treatment, supply, and specifics of any ESOP plan ought to be reviewed by a qualified attorney or accountant before making any transactions.
ESOPs Summarized

According to, an ESOP benefit is a fantastic selection for businesses that wish to have options when it comes to growth and reducing tax liabilities. Shareholders benefit from the easy liquidity, tax treatment, and chance that an ESOP provides to diversify their portfolio.
Employees appreciate the multipurpose benefit an ESOP provides for retirement and in situations where a safeguard is useful. A professional attorney or tax professional can discuss the positives and negatives of ESOP plans and should be consulted with before investing in any ESOP or other financial product involving dangers.