Wrinkles, skin laxity and greys are all part of the inevitable ageing process, and so is hair loss.

Also known as alopecia, hair loss occurs when the follicles stop producing new strands. During a normal growth cycle, we lose up to 100 strands every day. However, when people start losing more than this, medication tends to be the go-to treatment option.

As with any type of treatment, it’s important to consider the side effects of hair loss medications and decide how this option compares to other types of treatments.

A Brief Look at the Different Types of Hair Loss
  • Pattern baldness. This is a genetic or inherited type of baldness that is usually permanent
  • Alopecia areata. The strands fall out in patches on the scalp and the beard
  • Traction alopecia. Stress and anxiety can cause someone to pull their own hair out. If pulling the strands out creates scars, the loss becomes permanent
  • Anagen effluvium. This type of hair loss is caused by radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  • Tinea capitis. A fungal infection that develops on the scalp
  • Telogen effluvium. This type of hair loss is temporary and is caused by emotional stress, illness or injury

When to Get a Professional Opinion

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it might be time to schedule a consultation at a clinic such as

  • Rapid hair loss or loss that occurs at a young age
  • A red or scaly scalp
  • Hair loss that occurs in an atypical pattern
  • Painful or itchy scalp
  • Patchy hair loss

Medication for Hair Loss: Is It a Good Idea?

There are two main types of medications for people who are experiencing problems with their scalp and follicles, Minoxidil and Finasteride, both of which are FDA-approved.

Minoxidil can be purchased over the counter and is a liquid or foam that is rubbed into the scalp to prevent hair loss and encourage new growth. Most patients need to use the medication for about 4 months before they see any results. Unfortunately, a rapid heart rate and scalp irritation are two of the most common side effects.

Finasteride requires a prescription and can only be used by men. Again, it must be taken on an ongoing basis in order to achieve results.

Unfortunately, medication is not an ideal long-term treatment option because you simply can’t stop using it. Not only do the costs keep adding up but do you really want to have to take this medication for the rest of your life?

Why Hair Transplants are a Superior Choice

Transplants are popular for a reason. Not only is the procedure effective but it offers longer-lasting results and minimal side effects, provided the procedure is performed by a qualified and experienced professional.

There are two different transplant methods that can be used, which your surgeon will take you through during your consultation. Downtime is minimal and natural growth is the end result.