Bosnia and Herzegovina is a beautiful country with a lot of rich history and interesting traditions. It is definitely a place that is worth visiting and we are here to help you with a quick tourist guide if you ever decide to go there. Here’s what this country has to offer.

Beautiful Nature and Landscapes

The first thing that you are going to notice upon entering this country are the beautiful mountains and landscapes that are absolutely stunning. If you are a person who loves to connect with nature and relax in the wilderness, upon visiting Bosnia you must visit Boracko Lake as well. It is a wooden hilly and mountainous area in the country and you will absolutely love it because of all the things you can do here, such as kayaking, fishing, etc.

The lake is located near the mountain Prenj and the view from the mountain is quite fascinating. Although this isn’t the most famous or the highest mountain in the country, while you are nearby you can climb it. Nature is stunning and if you are not a good climber don’t worry. It is more of a trek and it doesn’t require special skills for you to conquer it.

Next on the list is visiting Tara, a beautiful river which flows in the eastern parts of the country. For most of its part, it flows in Montenegro and this river should not be confused with the identically-named mountain which is located in Serbia. All of these destinations are close by, but the river is the most stunning of them all. The canyon is among the biggest in Europe and if you are an adventurous guy, you should definitely visit this place.

One of the best activities that can be done on Tara is Rafting. Camps such as are offering rafting tours for people of all ages, so if you want to enjoy some relaxation tour in this beautiful jewel of a mountain hidden in Bosnia, you are definitely in for a treat.

Museums and Historical Places

In case you are interested in the history and culture of the country, perhaps the best place to visit is the capital of Bosnia – Sarajevo. Here, all of the major museums and historical places are located. One of the museums which are worth mentioning is the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is quite an old facility – conceived in 1850 and established by the end of the 1880s, one can truly grasp the culture and history of the country.

Another museum that will give you a better insight into the country’s hidden treasures is the Museum of Sarajevo, which is located near the Latin bridge in the city center. Unlike the first one, this museum is focused more on the city itself, which has had a bunch of tumultuous periods in its history.


Mostar is a historical city in Bosnia located on the Neretva River. Although it is not as large as Sarajevo and it is famous for its scenic landscape as well as the Old Bridge, which is the landmark of the city. Every tourist should visit this place where people are warm and food is great.

Night Life and Partying

Bosnia is known to have a pretty wild nightlife, and most of the partying are carried out in discos and clubs, but the country itself is also really popular for water-raft parties, so if you are a fan of those, Bosnia is definitely the place to be in.