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Escape rooms are an amazing experience. Problem is, they’re not experiences you can enjoy alone… Depending on the rooms you choose, you might need anywhere from 5 to 12 people. It’s a vast number, but you’re stuck in a series of rooms. And you’re solving dozens of puzzles that require skill and delegation.

The point is – you need a good team.And today, we’ll help you make one. Below is a 4-step guide to picking escape room team members. Check out the guide, and gather your team!

1. Make Sure They Like Problem-Solving

If your team members get frustrated by “complex problems” then beware. You won’t enjoy the game around them. You’ll feel them stressed, and that will transfer to you mid-action. It’ll disturb you and other team members.

Instead, find people with an analytical bent. They don’t have to be extremely intelligent. Enjoying problem-solving is enough on its own.

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2. Don’t Force Anyone into the Activity

Escape rooms take time to complete.The smallest need a ½ hour, with larger ones taking an hour – possibly more. This depends on the room difficulty you pick. But the point is, you’re “locked away” for an hour with puzzles to solve.So don’t coerce others (especially family) to try the activity.

3. Look for a Gamer Mentality

Navigating escape rooms is like walking into an MMO world. There’s a lot to explore. There are questions to ask with every item you explore. And if you’re not interested in the surroundings, then you won’t enjoy the activity. It’s almost a necessity, especially in more difficult rooms (like ones in ImagineEscape). So you need natural gamers. You need people who have a natural desire to poke at foreign objects.

Img source: Quartz

On the Plus-Side

That gamer mentality gets your team far. Why? Because you now have a competent and experienced problem-solver. You have someone who’s intelligent and imagintive enough to navigate an escape room. So you can finish your rooms faster. You can finish them in record time!

4. Find Sociable People

They don’t have to be social butterflies. You simply need individuals capable of communicating with you.

You see, an analytic mentality is excellent for an escape room. But what use is it if you’re keeping your conclusions to yourself? You need people willing to share information – while accepting feedback on their thought process.

Basically, don’t pick recluses for team members. Make sure they’re people who like (and want to) help your team!

5. Children: Not Recommended

How do you solve complex puzzles in locked rooms with kids around? The answer is, you don’t. Children are irritable, lack focus, and they critical thinking skills. So you can’t drag them along. However, you can bring along teens or adolescents. Basically, age isn’t a huge factor after 15… So before signing up for a room, make sure to drop the kids of somewhere. That can be at a friend’s house, a game site, or any location that’s safe.

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All That’s Left – Finding a Good Service

Good escape rooms are hard to come by. There’s a chance you won’t find one in a city you live. You might have to drive a few hours to reach a decent service. When you’re looking for the best escape rooms, visit LockBusters, this comes in very handy! So be careful with choosing one and check out some of the best reviews online in order to find the escape room that will fulfill your expectations!