In case you are currently working on the task of writing a 500 word essay and find yourself in need of some motivation, do not hesitate to take a little break. One of the most relaxing things you can do is watch an inspirational movie.

One of the most motivational films of all time is ‘Dead Poets Society’. The movie tells the story of a young man whose parents have high expectations for him, yet are completely ignorant of his own wishes. Luckily, the boys at school have a wonderful teacher who inspires them to change their lives and to follow their dreams.

It is a very educational movie as it teaches you not to be afraid to change your life so that to do what you want even if your parents do not approve of your choices. In case you have not seen this film, you should definitely allocate time to watch it as soon as possible.

The second movie that will distract you from worrying about the assignment of writing a 500 words essay is ‘Freedom Writers’. It is not a teen movie even though the story revolves around a group of high-school students. The main protagonist of the film is a young teacher who inspires students not to give up and to continue getting higher education.

In case you are currently trying to figure out how to write a 500 word essay or are experiencing difficulties with academic writing, a solution to all your problems is right on hand. You can easily make use of the service like ones avaiable on that provides sample essays for sale and the writers at such agencies are always eager to assist you with a 500 word essay or any other type of assignment you have been given.

This way, you will not have to rack your brains trying to come up with the idea for your 500 word paper. What is more, you will not need to search for 550 word essay writing instructions on the internet. You will be provided with a properly written sample.

We lives in times when you can easily find assistance with 500 word essay writing online. You just need to make sure the service you are about to address your request to has good reputation on the market. As soon as familiarize yourself with testimonials and reviews to make certain the agency is reliable, feel free to place an order. Your 500 page essay sample will be delivered on time. No matter whether you are supposed to submit a dissertation or an essay 500 words, do not forget that a team of experienced writers is always at your disposal.

Speaking about other examples of motivational movies, ‘Good Will Hunting’ should be mentioned as well. This is a story about a janitor who has a talent in math. Having watched this film, you will be motivated to realize your hidden potential and never stop moving forward no matter how many obstacles you face.

The Breakfast Club’ is also a great choice to spend your free time on when you are looking for an inspirational movie to distract you from all the stress you have been experiencing recently. This movie will make you laugh. It will make you cry. Most importantly, it will make you realize how similar we all are even if we come from different backgrounds.

The final motivational film to mention is ‘The Theory of Everything’. This film dwells upon the life of Stephen Hawking, his extraordinary mind, and his will to continue doing his research no matter how ill he becomes. As you have already realized, the movie is based on true events which makes the whole story even more inspirational.

Taking everything into consideration, watching motivational movies is actually very advantageous for a  student as it is rather inspiring to watch a film character achieve their goals despite all obstacles. Even though it is a fictional story, the plot is usually based on events that happened to most of us at least once in our lives. Having watched an extremely inspirational film, you will most likely have more desire to move forward towards your goal no matter how hard your path is. The most important message is not to give up even if you feel like you are burned out. Take a break, relax and start again. Our life is a constant struggle but the rewards we get for achieving our goals make this bumpy road worth it.