Do you sometimes get the feeling that technology is advancing faster than your ability to keep up with all the changes and new products? If so, you are not alone. Working adults from all walks of life find the fast pace of the modern world too much to take at times.
No one can say for sure when the techno-revolution began, but it was probably in or around the mid-1990s when personal computers were no longer rarities or oddities; everyone either had one or intended to acquire a laptop or desktop model.
The second phase of the trend was the rapid spread of smartphone devices. Now, after more than two decades of fast-paced upgrades to devices, programs, and apps, consumers can easily get behind and begin to feel like they’ve missed the boat.
Fortunately, there are numerous ways not only to survive the tech revolution but to make it work for you. Here are some suggestions that can work for almost anyone.
1. Overcome Technophobia

If you’re one of the millions of adults who still suffer from technophobia, now is the time to turn the situation around. Even in the 2020s, plenty of people are fine with their phones and laptops but fear any new, sophisticated form of technology. This is particularly true in the case of advanced apps, sophisticated features on financial websites, and healthcare industry telehealth visit applications.
How can the average person’s beat the fear? There are hundreds of no-cost tutorials, webinars, and other online resources for people of all ages who either fear technology or feel overwhelmed and burned out by it. You don’t need to possess any special skills or be an IT guru to take a few 30-minute courses that teach effective ways to keep up with the latest advances in the digital marketplace. These course can help teach you how to stop scammers and protect your privacy online so when you are implementing this new tech you feel comfortable.
2. Get a Degree in a Relevant Subject

If you want to take the ballistic approach to engagement in the tech revolution, consider earning a degree in a field like programming, IT studies, software engineering, or data science. Not only will a four-year program allay technophobia, should you suffer from the malady, but it will also open doors of financial opportunity. IT-related skills are in high demand, and graduates can choose from dozens of rewarding, interesting career paths after receiving a diploma.
Of course, college is not free. That’s why it’s best to plan to pay for schooling before deciding about what to major in and which institution you want to attend. For those who choose a college, there’s good news. It’s now possible to search through hundreds of scholarship opportunities on a single platform.
Then, you can apply for the ones that interest you and improve your chances of getting some money for your education. To get started, see opportunities online here, and then begin exploring how much money you might be able to get to lessen the total bill for a four-year college degree.
3. Acquire Simple Coding Skills

Like so many other IT-related educational resources, some of the best coding courses are no-cost affairs. Some require first-time students to purchase an e-text for a few dollars, but that’s about all there is to the cost side of the effort. The most interesting thing about learning to write code, which is a basic form of programming language, is that anyone can acquire the skill if they apply themselves.
As the cyber revolution continues to turn almost every sector of society into a computer-based environment, picking up elementary coding can be immensely helpful. Not only does the process enlighten learners about the finer points of human-machine interaction, but it also serves as a welcome addition to any resume.
4. Find a Mentor
Everyone knows at least one person who possesses advanced computer skills. Those are the kinds of people you want as mentors. Be careful to be polite when requesting that someone take you on as an informal student. Consider offering something in exchange, like free lunches during study sessions at restaurants. It’s considered impolite to ask someone to serve as your mentor without offering something in return.
Also, be clear about what you want to learn from the person. Let them know you need to brush up on general tech-related skills and are open to ideas about how to proceed. Many prospective mentors can help you formulate a study plan that makes sense and gets the job done.
5. Master Your Phone’s Features

Sometimes, the most effective solution to a challenge is right in front of your face. For adults who are finding it hard to stay abreast of all the jargon, tech products, and IT-oriented news, one of the most effective solutions is nearby; it’s their phone. Now is the time to get busy and delve into all those features you’ve never explored. It’s said that the average adult only knows how to use about 15% of their phone’s features.
Even if you don’t plan to use every feature, take the opportunity to let your smartphone educate you about the broad range of available technology. Use the online owner’s manual to read up on the hundreds of things a typical phone can do. There is much more to the devices than cameras, game apps, and messaging capabilities. Visit one of the major video platforms and search for your phone’s specs. Choose from dozens of instructional lessons that walk users through every feature of their devices.
6. Complete a Certificate Program

Whether online or in-person, consider signing up for an IT-based certificate program. There are more than 50 basic courses to choose from, including focused training in coding, programming, website design, development, cyber security, software development, database management, and dozens more. If the entire subject area is new to you, speak with a school counselor and ask for suggestions for the best one or two selections for beginners.
Note that certificate programs are not free, but most of the ones offered at community colleges or stand-alone trade schools are competitively priced. Make choices based on skills you want to learn, courses that can help you advance along a career path, or a structured curriculum aimed at earning an associate degree.