Your website is a mirror of your business. At that place, a potential customer or user of your products and services should be able to access all the necessary information related to your projects. And that’s precisely why it needs to be easily reachable. A well-organized page design plays a big role in all this. First the web designer must listen to the client, all their wishes and requirements in order to be able to adequately respond to the task.

And then, when they start creating, they need to consider a few more aspects in order for the project to be successfully realized. The job doesn’t have to be so difficult and demanding if you plan a few key steps in time. This guide will show you a couple of criteria that you should think of in case you’d like to ensure your success and customer satisfaction.

Target audience

When you make a deal with your client you can start thinking about how you will create what’s required of you. First of all, determining the features of the product that will be offered through the site and thus realising which target group it’s intended for.

Whether it’s teenagers, middle-aged people or the elderly, you’ll need to have some kind of idea for catching their attention. This will be your guiding star in further planning of the page content and a very useful first step. Make sure that readers understand whether it’s intended for them or not immediately after entering the site.

Right after that, try to keep their attention. For example, if the presented product is  for teenagers, let there be something on the homepage that’s a trend among those generations and that they’ll eagerly want to look at or read.

Site URL

The next item, and certainly one of the most important, is creating a URL. It must be meaningful and concrete. It certainly doesn’t make any sense for an address to consist of words or numbers that have nothing to do with the product.

Try to highlight the title right in a proper way so that it gives some small introductory description. Make the URL recognizable at first glance and let anyone who wants to click can guess where it will take them. This way, the chances that someone will visit the site are bigger.


Experts would call this a sitemap. You have probably noticed that every site you visit has a certain structure. It greatly influences the content to be viewed rather than cluttered and confusing to users. The main options should be graded, from the first comprehensive to the last that has the least information to offer.

Don’t let your site be chaotic and difficult to navigate. It’s clear that, by this, you’ll only cause dissatisfaction of the readers and that will lead them to leave it immediately and find something else that’ll be easier for them to understand. Some other things that can be repulsive are too loud music in the background, moving animations that don’t work properly, videos that jump all over the screen and play automatically and so on. The only thing this might cause is nervousness. Think carefully about how you will organize everything and take into account the fact that Google itself values ​​hierarchically well-arranged pages more.

What is it about?

This is perhaps the essential step. Content is something that should attract readers and keep their interest. On the other hand, it must provide truthful and reliable facts and information. Therefore, be careful and devote enough time to this.

Try to listen well and consider the wishes and needs of the client – don’t put your ideas in front of theirs. In this way, you’ll meet their expectations and respond satisfactorily to the given topic.

The content should be concise and clear and contain some key elements that can be quickly noticed such as a contact phone, or a menu when it comes to a restaurant, for example. Or travel prices in the case of a travel agency. And so on.

Connection with the social network

Just as it’s difficult to present a service or product to people around the city or the world without a good website, the presence and being active on social networks are also significant.

Today, people can’t imagine their day without having a look at the news on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter several times. That tells you a lot about how crucial this type of marketing can be. Be sure to set aside a corner on your website to highlight your existence on social media.

Mobile version

With technological progress, we have got smartphones that are constantly in our hands. This should be used for advertising, too.

You need to customize your webpage to all screen sizes to allow users to access it more easily, without getting up, turning on their laptop or computer. You can lose a lot of your audience if you don’t do this, but you can also gain a lot if you listen to this piece of advice – the choice is all yours.

Good hosting as the key to success

Don’t ignore this step. A good provider is inevitable to ensure traffic. Don’t take free offers lightly, as this would later lead to problems with browsing and bugs. Basically, it could only become worse than that if you absolutely forgot about hosting.

Also, when choosing, make sure you inquire rather thoroughly about a quality hosting service that will be available 24 hours a day in case any kind of issue emerges. And, when it comes to website builders choice, having different opinions gathered like on Webpage Scientist could help you choose the platform and what works best for you.


The logo represents the brand of a company in a picturesque way. His position should also be taken into account and well considered.

One of the upper webpage corners is recommended as the eye and the brain first notice this part of the screen.  So, just like the owners pay a lot of attention to emphasize it on uniforms or shop windows, its ideal location should be found in this virtual place, too.


Once you have completed all the above steps and created a page, make sure it’s usable. Remember that not everyone is equally capable of reaching certain content.

Make your online place accessible to all generations and give the user all the guidelines that should take him where he needs to be. Avoid unnecessary and unnecessary clicks that will irritate. Do everything you can to get that quality and rise above the competition.


To ensure the longevity of the website, you mustn’t forget to provide adequate protection. Your online shop, blog, website or anything you created might easily become the target of hackers or viruses at any time.

This is especially important when it comes to leaving personal data by users that can thus become available to hackers. This is the case with selling some products through online shopping. Therefore, protecting yourself and customers in the best possible way should stand out as a priority.

Make sure you do your job thoroughly and responsibly with the help of this short list. Make your customers satisfied (their buyers even more) and become irreplaceable in the web market, as you know your hard work deserves it!