Have you ever used flowcharts? They are completely versatile activity scheduling tools, for example, it’s used for computer projects, works scheduling, statistics or a whole load of logistics activities. Actually, it can be used for all situations that require effective scheduling of activities.
The flow diagrams, in relation to quality processes, have all possible relevance, precisely because of its organizational nature and order of efforts. This is an ideal solution if we want to make our own concepts of certain procedures and it brings a huge advantage – it’s applicable in so many different fields that it can be considered useful to literally anyone if implemented properly. You might not even know what it’s all about and how you would use it yourself, but hey, that’s what this article is here.
Enhancement, designing, studying and presenting your own ideas with such a valuable asset have never been easier to perform – so prepare to get better informed about this.

A little bit more about flowcharts history
How did people come up with the idea of representing in this way what they were thinking and trying to process? They appeared perhaps even earlier than you might imagine – early last century. Of course, these were not the upgrades available to us today, but they definitely enhanced brainstorming, analytical tactics and productivity of so many people since then.
Their forerunner and the first similar construction was the “flow process chart”, which was authored by the Gilbreths, a couple of renowned engineers and innovators, who introduced this invention to specialists in their field. It didn’t take long for this innovation to take hold in many circles, of course, primarily engineering. Many have begun to use it to maximize the productivity of their staff, to make their ideas easier to catch and more accessible and many other similar benefits. By the end of the first half of the XX century, this concept could already be considered entrenched and well-accepted.
Finally, its applicability has reached more than enviable proportions when the computer technology development took its turn – when through many programs and applications it was finally possible to execute this process much faster, simpler and with many more options.

Steps to make a flowchart
So, if you find the introduction and the general information you got so far compelling and you’re thinking about making your own statistic flowchart or any other kind of it, we have some tips for you.
- Think about the idea or the process you want to depict with this chart. Not surprisingly, this is the first and the essential step. Try to determine the goal you want to achieve by making this scheme. It also means defining a start and end point as well as preparing to create a path between them and defining the amount of knowledge and research you need to carry out this procedure.
- Another thing that needs to be managed is the order by which you’ll present your statistics. Establish the order in which the steps within the scheme will be followed, as this is crucial for proper representation. Try to put yourself in the role of someone who will look at that scheme and use it.
- Choose the way of flowchart making. There’s always an option to use a good, old way, by drawing on your own piece of paper, which indeed represents a special treat and satisfaction for some people who aren’t that keen on technology. However, in case you’d like to bring this concept to a new level, you can use one of numerous free of charge applications or programs that will help you make a digital version of what you were imagining. You can check here for a neat and simple app which could be truly helpful in case you’re considering this type of aid – the only thing you need to do is sign up for free and the thing is almost done by itself!
- Draw it while taking care of the chart symbols. As you might have noticed in case you’ve seen such charts, there are various kinds of symbols. For example, elliptical terminal boxes, that is, for the start and end portions, then the rectangular shapes that contain instructions or specific activities to be performed. In addition to these, there are also diamond forms within which there are decisions that we’re expected to make that are typically forked on two or more sides. Also, add different kinds of shapes which represent various materials, documents, comments, information and other aids used during the process. It sounds complex, but apart from being challenging, it’s also absorbing.
- Get some feedback. In case you’re making this type of chart for the benefit of many people, an honest feedback will be much appreciated. Also, if you’re doing it as a part of the teamwork activity, make sure that your colleagues or co-workers also think this is well-done.
And finally, why should you use them?

Although it’s rather clear why this is one huge benefit by itself, just to conclude this mini-guide through statistics flowcharts, it doesn’t hurt to remind ourselves of the basic advantages of such a scheme offering.
- Nowadays it’s much easier to perform it with the help of smart devices like laptops, computers or mobile phones.
- As stated at the beginning, they’re applicable to almost every field or area, from engineering, education and marketing to manufacturing and other kinds of businesses.
- It’s much simpler to present the concept of a procedure that we’re trying to explain if we break it down into multiple factors or points and in a logical way, which is absolutely enabled by this tool in every sense.
- The focus on identifying potential issues as well as relevant and key facts is sharpened during the preparation and development of such a scheme, which contributes to the improvement and better understanding of materials through the process.
- This enhances your thought flow, mindset, and allows you to have all your ideas and statistic test and charts in one place, always accessible and at your fingertips.
Through these lines, we’ve done our best to present the simplest possible way to understanding the significance and practicality of these schemes to complete beginners in this area. The hope remains that more and more people, both entrepreneurs and other individuals will find their way to the right way to level their brainstorming and achieve new business success through these functional and practical organizational tools.