Software development is quite tricky and hard to predict and plan. Software is intangible and due to several different combinations of factors, it can go through loads of different risks. Although you can treat these risks beforehand, you need to be aware of what they are and why they occur in the first place.
If you need software solutions that can help with your business growth, Rubyroid Labs will have your back! They also use modern and proven technologies that will help with your front-end, back-end, database, as well as integration! Meanwhile, here is what are the top 8 most common risks when it comes to software development projects.
Most common risks in software development projects, and what to do about them
1. Poor and inaccurate estimations

There can be a huge amount of pressure between customers or stakeholders when it comes to a certain price or timeframe. If you end up creating or giving inaccurate estimations, you can create a mess within the group. You can have problems with developers and clients, and this can also lead to increased expenses. To avoid this completely, make sure that you:
- Only work on high-priority tasks
- Include tech spikes
- Add an allocation factor
- Think about the cone of uncertainty when giving the estimate
2. There is also the end-user engagement
When it comes to software development projects, you are at high risk of having the product released to the market, where the users are being difficult to work with, or they are resistant to change: Make sure that you have the user engagement beforehand since the software will directly link to its success. Make sure to take care of the following factors when creating the engagement:
- Do some testing and surveys
- Beta testing is important
- Do not forget about frequent releases
- Focus on groups
3. Bad or poor quality code

The quality of your project can sometimes not align with stakeholder and their expectations. Poor quality code happens for several different reasons, such as when the projects are underestimated and developers simply rush to complete it. You can have trouble with reading to code, and other developers may not be able to make changes to it. You can also experience different bugs or viruses with this code. Make sure to do the quality code tests since this will help with the long-term development effort. Improve your code by doing the following:
- Do not forget to do the code reviews
- Test all codes
- Clear coding standards and guidelines are a must
- Manager the quality of your projects
4. Bad and poor productivity
Some groups can fail and miss out on the big timeframes. How to measure and speed up your group, as well as their productivity? Try to utilize tools such as burn-down charts or iteration reports. You must remember that every person functions and works differently, and that human errors are quite common in this business. To have better communication and productivity, do the following:
- Hire different people and different cultures, as well as age groups
- Set reasonable timeframes
- Let them work in groups
- Avoid burn-outs
- Find a trustworthy product manager who knows how to work with large groups
5. Risk management

Risk management occurs when some project is not recognized right away, nor processed how it should be. You first need to acknowledge that risks exist. Most people would recommend mitigation strategies. Those are:
- Include risks in your estimations
- Utilize a risk register
Every project and a new group will face different risks when working together. The best way to identify it is to use a risk matrix. You can also create a risk management plan or conduct risk assessments using a risk multiplier.
6. Low stakeholder engagement
This means that a client or a stakeholder that you are working with is not engaging as much as they should with you or with your team. Low stakeholder engagement will drastically slow down your workflow and your efficiency. It is important to have an honest, fast, as well as detailed talk with your stakeholders since you depend a lot on their feedback. Here are some things that you should be on the lookout for:
- Emphasize that you need clear agreements
- Emphasize your response times
- Let them be a part of some testing models
- Go for an effective selection
- Deliver your projects as agreed upon
7. Inadequate human resources

Sometimes it does happen that a stakeholder or development team member ends up leaving the project unexpectedly. Once this does happen it can create a risk to the project, especially if the project is not properly or adequately documented. Here are some important factors for you to consider when working with so many different people on this project:
- Maintain all of your documentation
- Watch out for any drastic changes, and always be informed
- On-board new or replacement stakeholders will have their learning guide
- Monitor the invoice schedule
8. There is a lack of ownership
Most software developments will have questions about ownership. Who is always willing to take ownership? This risk, however, is only apparent if something goes wrong with your project. If you want to create accountability in your software development, pay close attention to this strategy:
- Set different kinds of responsibilities for stakeholders
- Be transparent
- Record any meetings
- Take care of your documents and store them accordingly
- Make sure that you emphasize the user acceptance criteria
Ready to avoid these risks?
So, are you ready to avoid these potential eight risks, and work by following the right set of rules? Gather your team around, and come up with the right strategy beforehand. Are you someone who is always following the rules? If so, you won’t mind incorporating these eight ones into your projects. Once done right and if you act on time and beforehand, you can avoid any potential risks” Just make sure that your software fits your style and your company, and go for custom Web development that will bring results!
However with this template you can manage all your development team’s work in one place. Define your product epics, manage your sprint backlog, and plan and deliver your sprints