
The main reason so many companies opt for VPS hosting plan is that they have the opportunity to use a server almost as if it is a dedicated server, i.e., the one they solely use. Basically, the server is divided into multiple independent ones. It means that they receive all the benefits of a dedicated server but at a significantly lower cost.

VPS hosting enables them to have more control over the operating system they will use, ensure high-performance, and increase security. Due to the popularity of this hosting, nowadays, you can choose between numerous providers and plans to implement. Here are some tips you should use when looking for a reliable VPS provider.

1. Identify your requirements


The very first thing you have to do before starting the search for a VPS provider is to make a list of requirements that must be met. Your website will use RAM, CPU, hard disk, and so on, so you have to consider the size of these.

Firstly, think about the RAM and CPU. The former will determine the performance of your website. Generally speaking, if you don’t have any additional requirements, 256 MG is considered to be enough for a traditional page. However, if you plan to implement additional features and apps, then you have to look for a provider that can offer greater RAM. Similarly, the CPU is equally important because it ensures the high effectiveness of the page.

2. Operating system

Even though you have multiple options, the most popular ones are Linux and Windows. When choosing between these, you have to think about the apps you will use. Naturally, some of them work better on one system than the other, and some of them are even built specifically for one operating system, meaning that they won’t function at all on the other.

This means that you have to do a thorough investigation of all plans, inspect their features, compare them, and choose the one according to your needs. Yes, Linux is cheaper, but this isn’t one of those situations when you should go with the least expensive option but instead, visit the routerhosting website and learn about significant features of Windows 10 VPS plans.

3. Type of Service


Generally speaking, there are two types of VPS service – managed and unmanaged service. As you can assume, when it comes to the former, everything is handled by the provider. It means that you won’t have to worry about anything, but at the same time, it means that you will have less control.

On the other hand, if you go with an unmanaged service, you will have to do all the work, such as security patches and software updates. As expected, the latter option is cheaper since the provider won’t have to operate the server and deal with any potential issues. Yes, you can save some money, but only if you possess the necessary skills to handle everything on your own. If this is not the case, managed hosting is probably a better choice for you.

4. Control panel

Since you will have control over the server, you must be able to use it easily. This means that you should always go with a provider that has a user-friendly interface. Your main goal is to improve the website’s performance continuously, and the only way you can do this is if you have access to all important features. Due to this reason, it is vital to inquire about the control panel a provider offers before signing a contract.

5. Backup options


Nowadays, regular backup is everything. It is one of the best ways to build the reputation of your business and be able to meet any customer request. Obviously, this is a service that all providers offer, but still, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t investigate it further.

There are many things you have to ask about – how frequently the backup occurs, how long the data is kept, how easy or difficult it is to access it and restore it. Some providers can even enable you to customize these features, which can be quite beneficial for your business since you will be able to determine all the backup options according to your needs.

6. Security

Clearly, one of your main concerns should be the security of the data. This is an essential feature you have to check out before choosing any VPS hosting plan. Make sure to ask the potential provider about the security patches and apps they use, and also investigate whether they had any problems with it in the past.

7. Customer support


When it comes to any service or product you purchase online, you want to have the company’s employees at your disposal 24/7. This is true regardless of the merchandise, but the truth is that it becomes essential when it comes to VPS hosting.

You can never know when an emergency will happen, and you want to have professionals in your corner when it does. All issues must be resolved almost immediately since these can have a negative effect on your business. Plus, if you are a newbie, you probably have hundreds of questions, and you need someone who can answer all of them.

Our advice is to investigate which channels of communication they use. A ticketing system is traditionally used, but keep in mind that some providers use phone calls, live chat, and some even run forums where customers can easily add a question or find an answer they need.

8. Cost

The last thing you should inquire about before hiring a VPS host provider is the cost of service. Naturally, this expense depends on the plan you choose, so it is crucial not to skip any of the previous steps to be certain that you have chosen the right one and that you are not throwing money down the drain.

Nevertheless, don’t forget to include the additional expenses that you will have to pay. To avoid any unpleasant surprises down the road, you have to investigate all of these before making a commitment.