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2020 was bad for everyone, including recruiters and job seekers. Yet, people’s resilience has helped them adapt to the changing times, however tough the change might be. In the recruitment industry, hiring trends that were relevant in 2024 is not applicable now. Some deep-rooted, traditional hiring trends have changed forever. Recruitment is invested in technology, social media, and other norms imposed by the pandemic. This article contains an insightful and interesting list of the trends that will take the recruitment industry by storm in 2024.

So here goes our list.

Recruiting Trends For 2024: What’s Making News

1. RPO Partnerships

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Availing the expertise and support of an RPO partner is not new. But now, more businesses realize the potential of RPO services and the enormous benefits of the partnership. Experienced and reputed RPO companies are very much in demand.

Businesses see recruitment outsourcing as a solution to lighten the workload of their in-house teams, especially during these tough times. Besides, RPO firms have the niche expertise and extensive networks to hire high-quality candidates at cost-effective expenses. For RPO services related information, visit here.

2. Artificial Intelligence

AI is the new buzzword not only in the recruitment industry but in every other business avenue. Leveraging AI in the recruitment process will be indispensable. It is already helping streamline the recruiting workflow and high-volume tasks like screening resumes and online application processes. is an example of a platform that uses AI-powered recruiter chatbots, taking candidate experience to the next level with real-time interaction- something that most candidates prefer.

3. Candidate Experience

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The vote for the second most popular buzzword in recruitment will probably go to “candidate experience.” Surveys reveal that a positive candidate experience can make 97% of the candidates recommend the company to other job seekers.

Whether they bag the job or not, 50% of the applicants tend to express their experience on social media. Such is the power of candidate experience! Considered a key recruitment factor in 2024, it has forced recruitment teams to sit up and evaluate the pitfalls in their hiring strategies.

4. Virtual Hiring

Virtual hiring was a trend imposed by the pandemic to prioritize everyone’s safety. Right now, with the ebb and flow of one pandemic wave after the other, this trend has become the norm. Even for businesses depending on in-person operations, virtual interviews and automated hiring are the best solutions. However, business leaders are certain that this trend will change when the pandemic losses its grip over the globe. But, until then, virtual interviews and hiring processes will be in practice.

5. Mobile Recruitment

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Statistics say that nearly 90% of job seekers use their smartphones and tablets to access recruiters. At least 45% of them use the devices every single day to find their dream job. To cater to this trend, recruiters need to create mobile-friendly job listings. Let’s not forget that social media should also be a part of the mobile recruitment strategy. Nearly 80% of job seekers use their mobiles to access social media platforms to find jobs.

6. Gamification

Gamification may probably be one of the biggest solutions to improving employee engagement. In recruiting, gamification is used to test specific skills and to make the recruitment process less stressful. Statistics point out that gamification improves the productivity of new hires by up to 90%.

7. Workforce Analytics

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Workforce analytics is the use of data to make predictions about future recruitment trends and hiring decisions. This trend will be crucial for the foreseeable future as organizations battle an unpredictable economy. The analytics helps plan new hiring strategies, implement hiring tech tools, and enhance the candidate experience. Using analytics, hiring managers can identify potential resignations and take preventive action.

8. Internal Hiring

Business leaders will likely opt for internal hiring to fill job vacancies within the organization. With Covid19 posing herculean difficulties, it only seems sensible and fair for businesses to promote the internal talent they have at their disposal. Internal recruiting has great benefits. There’s increased engagement, reduced costs, and simpler processes. Above all, recruiters don’t have to worry about cultural fit and soft skills.

Right now, internal hiring may seem like an ad hoc solution. It will be an essential strategy very soon because data shows that employees stay 41% longer with companies that hire internally.

9.  Tech Tools

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Video interviews, Applicant Tracking Systems, AI-powered hiring tools, and increased dependability on the internet have been forced upon recruiters, thanks to Covid19. But these tech trends are nothing but beneficial for companies mired by outdated hiring practices. With these tech tools, hiring is more streamlined, specific, shorter, and result-oriented. It improves candidate experience, transparency and mitigates the risk of biased hiring. Additionally, it provides an inexhaustible, easily accessible repository of talent.

Other Recruiting Practices Trending in 2024

Importance for soft skills

Organizations are looking for different skill sets ever since the pandemic broke out. There is a big list of soft skills that are in high demand and are considered as necessary as technical skills. They are:

  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Persuasion
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Innovative thinking
  • Ethical leadership
  • Resilience

Flexible work schedules

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As remote working and other new work trends arise, employees are demanding flexible working schedules. This is understandable, as most employees are juggling family problems and health challenges along with their jobs. Hence, it is very likely that the next recruiting trend will be allowing recruits to choose and adjust their schedules.

Payroll flexibility

The traditional way of paying salaries at the end or beginning of the month will soon be a thing of the past. On-demand payments will be the new normal. Weekly or bi-weekly payments may soon be implemented to ease the financial burden for employees.

Safety guidelines

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As Governments slowly unlock the restrictions and employees get back to the office, companies update their safety guidelines. This is a trend that might stay with us forever. Being compliant with Covid19 guidelines and safety measures will be one of the essential things in the workplace.

Bidding Adieu To Traditional Practices With New Trends

If companies wish to overcome the previous year’s challenges, they must gear up and embrace these recruitment trends. By doing so, business owners and recruiting managers have much to gain. With these trends, you can streamline and optimize your hiring process and reduce the risk of bad hires. Industry experts are recommending recruiters go the extra mile and align themselves with the changing trends. It is time to rethink your talent strategies and integrate these trends into your workflow.