This is her menu: She drinks sugar-free tea every morning, has the same breakfast as your child, and has one guilty pleasure!

The World’s News Agency caused a huge public interest when they discovered Queen’s Elizabeth II menu. The Queen is 93 years old, she is doing fantastic, and this is her menu.


What would the British Queen be like if she does not wake up every day with a cup of tea? She also takes a drop of milk and puts no sugar. With the morning tea, she also eats sweet cookies and then leaves for breakfast.


Queen Elizabeth prefers the same breakfast as your child, a bowl of oatmeal from a cardboard box.

Scrambled Eggs

Sometimes the Queen eats scrambled eggs for breakfast. She prefers dark-shell eggs because she thinks they taste better. She also sometimes asks for smoked salmon, and a few slices of freshly grated truffle with her eggs.


She loves to eat fresh fruits from her garden. At Balmoral Castle, where she spends her summer holidays, she has raspberries, grapes, and strawberries in her garden. Her Sandringham farm is surrounded by 70 acres of apple trees, but still her favorite are the strawberries and peaches from the Windsor Castle greenhouse.


The Queen always eats two types of sandwiches with her afternoon tea. The Sandwiches usually contain cucumbers, smoked salmon, eggs with mayonnaise, ham, and mustard or tuna. When it comes to bread, she prefers white bread and bread with whole grain, thinly sliced.

Cakes with jam

‘’Jam Pennies’’ are the cakes that Queen loves the most because they are filled with blackberry jam and look like a British penny coin. The Queen and her sister Margaret adored eating them with their babysitter.

A fish

When there are no guests for the dinner in the castle, the Queen loves simple food, like a portion of grilled fish and vegetables as a side dish. Her favorite dish is a leaf fish on the grill with steamed cooked spinach.


It is a combination of three flavors: smoked salmon, smoked trout, and smoked mackerel served on smoked salmon fillets. This dish is served with special toast bread and a spread of horseradish.


At the Royal Palace, Sunday ends with a traditional British Sunday roast- a main course prepared with meat and potatoes combined with Yorkshire pudding, vegetables, and sauce.


The Queen usually takes a sip or two of sweet German wine during the dinner. Still, her favorite drinks are gin and sweet wine, which is served as an aperitif with a slice of lemon and ice.


Chocolate cakes are her guilty pleasure. For her birthday, they make her a chocolate cake based on a recipe designed by the Chef of Queen Victoria, and the family still uses the recipe on festive occasions.