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What is fun yet overwhelming? In 2019, its content marketing! Considering the cut-throat environment, marketers are going the extra mile to sustain their brands.

 As well as business owners, individuals are adopting various forms of content marketing to sell their course, product or service. 

For example, people are investing in content marketing platform like Teachable, Connectpal to get access to a broader audience base. However, a good section of business people is still not aware of this entire domains. For which they are having a major missing out on customers and leads. 

Are you the one who falls under the category of the ignorant? Fret not! This blog has done all the hard work for you. Read on to know all the actionable content marketing tips to amplify your business amid the clutter. 

Tips for business owners or service providers:

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  • Understand the Sales Funnel

This is the very first step to pursue your achievable goals. Deciphering the sales funnel makes it way easier to proceed with the further steps of marketing. This genre broadly underlines a buyer’s journey. Mainly three factors play vital roles- awareness, evaluation, and purchasing decision. So, the idea is to align your content marketing strategies with the sales funnel to stay ahead of the pack.

  • Identify the Target Audience

The ultimate purpose of any form of marketing is to reach the target audience. However, to do the same, you need to identify the target audience. Under the demographic, figure out the age bracket of people who will avail your business. Once done, the rest is assured.

  • Keep Relevancy

The next step is to stick to relevancy. For example, if you sell beauty products, posting health posts makes zero sense. Hence, you need to put up topics that is relevant to your product or service.

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  • Focus on Keyword Research

Keyword research is another important hack to accentuate the content marketing. The trick lies in conducting proper keyword research. Try and get a hold of the best possible keywords to improve the rank in search engines. However, make sure to opt for less competitive yet result in yielding keywords. Moreover, considering the current trend, select long-tail keywords rather than short phrases. 

  • Curate Quality Content

You can’t forget the aspect of quality when it comes to content marketing. Users always love bespoke and original topics. Therefore, as a responsible marketer, you need to put special attention towards the quality of content. Additionally, for maximum user convenience, seamless integration of keywords is also a must. 

  • Gain Authority

Getting a sense of authoritativeness in the online domain is necessary. As an authoritative marketer, you will help your brand gain credibility among the users. Hence, post content that will define the niche of your brand at par. 

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  • Formulate a Long-Term Plan

Content marketing is certainly a long-term plan. So, to reap the best benefits, crafting an actionable plan is mandatory. As a part of search engine optimization, marketing via articles is an organic and time-consuming process. You should strategize every step to outreach the desired goal with ease. 

  • Pay Heed to H1 & H2

Catchy headlines and subheads also play integral roles to promote articles online. Experts always suggest using powerful words to grab readers’ attention. For example, words like ‘amazing’, ‘free’, ‘guaranteed’, ‘superb’, ‘foolproof’ can trigger the online audience to click on the article link. Moreover, the use of primary keywords is also equally important to impress both the bots and users at once. 

  • Maintain Consistency

To drive leads towards the sales funnel, consistency is of utmost significance. Therefore, make a point of posting fresh and new content at a certain interval. Embracing this practice will certainly bring good traffic within real-time. 

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  • Make Content Shareable

Social media sites are one of the primary hosts to augment content marketing. So, always make a point of sharing topics on relevant social media platforms with maximum optimization. Choosing the best CMP always gives marketers the option to share content directly on their social media channels. 

  • Keep up to Date with Analytics

Lastly, do not overlook the analytics. This free tool will provide you with insights about content marketing. From user engagement to bounce rate, search engine analytics establish a specific direction of content marketing. 

Tips for individuals who want to sell their content through other platform:

As an individual marketer the key to successful content marketing is to choose the right platform. If you think that you have enough experience on some topic like blogging, sales, video editing, or something like fitness advising, motivational speaking, story writing and you are looking for a platform from where you can earn money by sharing your knowledge to your audience then please continue your reading.

Here are the top 3 content marketplaces:

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Platform like Connectpal has been an exemplary platform that helped innumerable marketers to reach the masses seamlessly. You can create an account here and set up your prices for your audience. If someone subscribes your account then you will be paid by Connectpal. Learn more about how to setup profile on Connectpal and start earning from it. Visit this site to learn more about Connectpal.


Here you can create a full course and sell it to your audience. From the homepage “” you will find a button create a course. By clicking this button you can create an account and your 1st course. There are many categories for the course like marketing, business, health, travel, lifestyle and many more.


This is one of the best marketplaces for marketers. Like teachable here you can create courses and sell it to your customers.

So, do your research and excel as a marketer to thrive!