Every business requires some level of IT to run successfully. This is because we are very much dependent on technology, and our businesses can benefit greatly from it. Under the wing of technology, we have IT. IT is critical to the day to day running’s of your business.

Your business’s overall IT needs depend on how big your business is. But regardless of size, it’s smart to have some level of IT infrastructure such as bespoke programs, servers, a website, software, etc.

It should be crystal clear by now that every business, regardless of size, should have some level of IT infrastructure. But the problem is when determining between an internal IT department or outsourcing IT services. If you find it hard to make the decision, we are going to help you by explaining both.

Internal IT Department Pros and Cons

An internal IT department can also be known as an in-house IT department is a type of IT that is based internally in your company offices and run by your personnel. In order for you to run an internal IT department, you have to hire the right people with the right experience and qualifications.

The downside of having an internal IT department is that it takes a lot of capital, time, and patience to build a successful in-house IT department. Business owners must come to an understanding that there is a certain type of skill set required so that the IT team is effective. And even the most forward-thinking business owners find this difficult to predict.

But there is more. Business owners have to think about salaries, which is around $34,000 annually for a service desk analyst. IT managers require an even higher salary of around $97,000 annually, according to Glassdoor. Business owners have to think about workstations, hardware upgrades, servers, etc. There is also the cost of employee training and a lot more ongoing costs. Sysoft, a Toronto based IT support and tech service, says that SMBs (small to medium size businesses) might have a bigger chance of succeeding if they hire IT services, as opposed to building an in-house IT team.

Outsourcing IT Services Pros and Cons

Outsourcing all of your IT needs is a popular business model that a lot of companies have started following recently. The main benefits of this type of IT model are the financial savings it offers. Statistically, outsourcing your IT needs is more cost-effective than building an internal IT department. This is especially the case for SMBs, who don’t have the pulling power such as big companies. With this type of model, you save on salaries, hardware, software, servers, and a ton of other extra costs.

All of the costs that come with this type of IT are generally billed monthly, or a per-user fee. With outsourced IT, you have 24/7, 365 days a year full support that takes care of all issues for you. Furthermore, you have access to a wide range of services that can benefit your business. Access to a wider pool of expertise is also another benefit since most IT services have staff fully equipped to take care of most of your IT needs. Some of the services that outsourced IT offers are:

• Network and Server Support
IT Support
• On-Site Support
• Network Design & Integration Services
• Computer Network Installation
• IT Management
• Wireless Networking
• Computer & Network Maintenance
• Wireless Solutions
• IoT, and more

The only downside to outsourcing your IT needs can be management difficulties, confidentiality, and service delivery.