Is your child’s school reopening in a week after the vacation? Did you go on a tour recently and it hampered his/her homework for the holidays? Well, your kiddo will have a tough time completing everything, now that there are only a few days left. However, it is still not time to panic. A collective effort will see your child finishing his/her assignments before the school reopens. But, he/she needs to follow these hacks to complete everything on time.
1) Create a routine

With the vacation still lingering in the mind of your child, it can be challenging to concentrate on studies again. But that’s when a routine can help bring everything back to normal. Make sure you divide the subjects for your child into hours. This will help him/her concentrate on one topic at a time. Break down the hours into periods of twenty minutes. Give them a break of ten minutes after every period. This improves the concentration, and your child will cruise through the assignments quickly.
2) Help them with mobile apps

Many mobile apps allow children to solve math problems. All they have to do is point the mobile camera to the sum they can’t understand, and the app will solve it step by step. However, don’t encourage them to use the app on ever sum. They would not learn anything if they rely on these apps for all their assignments. Only help them when they are in trouble. If they are asking for help with a sum, and you don’t know the answer, use the app to solve the problem.
3) Register on online assignment help websites

These sites work wonders when it comes to preparing for school in the last minute. If your child has a significant amount of homework left to complete, but there is hardly any time left, these websites will come to their rescue. They have experienced teachers for every subject so that your child understands the topic correctly while completing the homework. According to, one of the leading homework help websites, students who don’t understand tough topics should get help from experts. This site connects students to subject experts who teach your kid the topics he/she doesn’t like.
4) Keep PlayStations and mobile phones away

Don’t keep your mobile phone around your children when they are doing their homework. It distracts them whenever you get a phone call or a text message. Children love to play games on the mobile and PlayStations. You can promise them that they will get time to play, but only if they complete their assignments first. Tell them that if they finish a significant part of their homework by the end of the day, they can play for half an hour. When they see game time as a reward, they will become more enthusiastic about finishing their homework quicker.
Although completing assignments is the duty of your children, they often need help from parents, especially while doing the more complicated topics. Help them, but don’t spoon-feed them.