
Paying off high-interest credit card debt quickly and under a lesser interest rate can occur in a few ways, one of which involves refinancing the debt. Read here clever ways to pay off debt.

A priority with balances on credit cards is that you repay the full amount with each invoice monthly. That’s not typically how credit card debt is handled, at least in this country. A majority of cardholders carry their balance each month, with many households owing thousands of dollars in credit card debt.

Only some financial solutions are viable for each individual in need of ridding themself of their debt. Refinancing or consolidation could help make your monthly expenditure more manageable, or you might need to consider an alternative, like counseling to get your finances in a better place.

It’s essential to consider the various choices carefully to see which most adequately suits your financial circumstances before committing to a solution. Let’s look at refinancing more closely to see how this option can be beneficial.

Is Credit Card Refinancing A Viable Solution To High-Interest Debt


Credit card refinancing aims to lower the interest currently being paid on high-interest cards you’ve established over time with one of many refinancing options. Please visit sites like kredittkort for guidance on refinancing.

Among the options for debt consolidation or refinancing this higher interest responsibility is through personal loans, balance transfer credit, using funds from a retirement account, or tapping into a home equity account.

In any of these scenarios, a determinant will be your credit profile and score, along with your financial status and debt responsibility.

What’s The Difference Between Refinancing And Debt Consolidation

Debt refinancing and consolidation each aim to reduce the overall costs associated with your accumulated credit cards. Which you opt for will depend on the degree you’re currently struggling with.

Refinancing is essentially taking a high-interest debt and “trading it in” for a lower-interest option. Many people choose a no-interest balance transfer card offering a significant balance with the goal of repaying the balance before the introductory deadline of roughly 18 months.

Consolidation involves obtaining a loan to pay off multiple cards, leaving you with a single low-interest monthly installment. You can either secure the loan with an asset to ensure the lowest rate or receive an unsecured loan to avoid placing a valuable asset against the funds.

Does A Refinance Or Consolidation Damage Credit


Initially, your credit score will be hard hit by applying for either a balance transfer card or a personal loan, in which hard inquiries will be made.

Still, as long as repayments are consistent and on time over the loan’s life, the process can actually be beneficial for your credit, especially if you’re currently struggling under the pressures of higher interest payments.

One thing to consider if you’re shopping lenders or credit products is to try to make the inquiries within a 14–45-day span which credit bureaus will treat as a single inquiry. When these are spread out over a longer duration, it has a greater impact. After the transfer or payoff with the loan funds, the score will begin to go back up.

Regardless of your option, delinquent payments or adding to your debt ratio will negatively impact credit.

What Are Methods For Refinancing High-Interest Credit Card Debt

There are a few ways to refinance higher-interest debt accumulated on credit cards. Not all will benefit each financial situation.

In some cases, it might be advantageous to speak with a debt counselor to get your finances in order, perhaps establish a realistic budget, and then consider a refinancing method that will fit comfortably with the new situation. The priority is to save money and avoid struggling. Go to to learn if you should refinance a mortgage to pay off your credit cards and then consider these suggestions.

1. Consider refinancing using a personal loan, more so considered a consolidation of debt


When using a personal loan, debt consolidation is more of what you’ll be doing than a refinance. Usually, with this method, a borrower’s credit score needs to be roughly “670 +” to get a reasonable rate or to avoid the potential of being rejected.

With the lower score, the rate will not only be higher, but there will likely be fees attached on top of the principal.

A personal loan is collateral-free, meaning you don’t need to secure the funds with a valuable asset. A wise decision would be to work with a traditional banking institution or credit union with which you might have a relationship. This can make a much faster, easier process.

The balance should also remain low, only the amount necessary for paying off the high-interest cards, to avoid a great impact on credit and to ensure repayments can be made consistently and on time with each monthly invoice as they come due.

2. Consider using a balance transfer card for refinancing higher-interest cards

With a balance transfer card, there is usually an introductory period of roughly 18 months where no interest is charged on the funds that are transferred from higher-interest cards.

With no interest due, the amount you pay goes fully toward paying off the balance, with the idea being that you reach a zero balance by the introductory deadline. Some of these come with fees ranging from 5 percent of the balance transferred.

It’s wise to make the calculations to see if you’ll save enough to justify the fees. Another requirement is that the client has a credit score of roughly “680 +) to be considered for the option.

If you carry the balance beyond the deadline, the problem is that standard interest will be incurred. In some cases, this is retroactive back to the date the card was activated, leaving you essentially in a similar spot to where you started.

3. Using a retirement account for refinancing higher-interest credit card debt


Some people will see borrowing from a retirement plan as the most practical way to pay off high-interest debt when the credit cards accumulate to a point where they’re struggling to accomplish monthly expenditures.

A 401k plan will offer plan holders a rate of roughly “one or two points above prime without a significant impact to credit and minimal hassle.” This should always be a last resort considering it’s detracting from your retirement wealth which could take a significant effort to recover if you’re able to at all.

Aside from losing retirement wealth, the downside is that some companies don’t permit staff to borrow funds from their retirement plans. In addition, you’ll need to understand that the interest on the money will be taxed with this disbursement and again when you withdraw funds at retirement age.

Companies might not share with you when you borrow from your account and then leave your current position, the funds are due immediately, or you will be responsible for taxes and penalties to the fund.

Final Thought

Whether you can take advantage of debt refinancing or consolidation will depend on your financial circumstances. Open for the differences between refinancing and consolidation. You should pull your credit report to see where you stand with your score and history.

If you don’t believe you can qualify for a loan or balance transfer card and don’t feel comfortable taking from your retirement plan, it might be beneficial to speak with a credit counselor.

Accredited counselors can work with you to examine varied alternative relief solutions to determine what might work for you in your current situation. The representative will review your budget and make suggestions on potential improvements.

The sessions are accessible to individuals struggling with their monthly expenditures with little recourse in every community at no cost. There are also “for-profit” options, but it’s wise to stick with the complimentary services.

*Translation for kredittkort refinansiering: credit card refinancing