
Thanksgiving is the time of year we dedicate to our families. It is what makes this year’s festivities so hard for Kanye West. But, the famous rapper found time to rant about his family and ex-Kim Kardashian. The Donda rapper claims that God wants him back together with the KUWTK star. He obviously isn’t interested in her new boyfriend, Pete Davidson.

Yes, Kim isn’t too public about her new boyfriend, but she and the SNL star are dating. In spite of her moving on, the rapper who now goes by Ye said this about plans: “The narrative God wants is to see that we can be redeemed in all these relationships. We’ve made mistakes. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve publicly done things that were not acceptable as a husband, but right now today, for whatever reason — I didn’t know I was going to be in front of this mic — but I’m here to change the narrative.”


Ye was in a strange mood, as he continued his quite long speak. After talking about God’s plan, he moved on to talk about the networks that aired Kardashian’s TV show. He was quite angry at E! and Hulu, as he said: “I’m not letting E! write the narrative of my family. I’m not letting Hulu write the narrative of my family … I am the priest of my home.”

West was a guest on Skid Row as a part of the LA Mission, an organization that helps the homeless in Los Angeles. He had a meeting with their CEO and president, intending to share ideas and have progressed in their activity. But, he couldn’t stop speaking about his separated family: “I have to be next to my children as much as possible. So, when I’m out the house, I’ve got a house right next to the house. I’m doing everything to be right next to the situation.”


His speech was all over the place, which is something Ye caught the attention of. So, in the end, he calmed down and added: “I’m trying to express this in the most sane way, the most calm way possible, but I need to be back home. “ A source on the spot added that West did keep to the subject of the event: “He had never been there and wanted to see everything going on. He talked about saving the world and how he had all these ideas to work with LA Mission.”

But, as you can see while there, he managed to get a lot of his mind. And you’ll be glad to hear this isn’t all he said. Ye finished with “If the enemy can separate Kimye, there’s going to be millions of families that feel like that separation is ok… but when God brings Kimye together, there’s going to be millions of families that are going to be influenced to see that they can overcome the work of the separation, of trauma the devil has used to capitalize to keep people in misery while people step over homeless people to go to the Gucci store.”

So, Kanye wants to get back with Kim, but at the same time, he is dating an Instagram model Vinetria? Besides, Kim is going strong with Davidson, and it seems to be the cause of West’s distress. A source close to the family said: “He can’t be taking this well.” He’s not, but Kimye is back on the menu, boys.