
Everyone has naturally strong teeth. These aid in chewing, smiling and opening cans (don’t do that tho). Are you thinking how our teeth are so durable? It is so because the enamel is the most vital part of the human body.

Chipping off a tooth is much easier than you imagine. It doesn’t require a punch on your mouth. People chip their teeth on ice cubes or even on the glass bottle. People who suffer from tooth decay or bruxism also chip their teeth too soon.

If you are suffering from teeth being chipped off, you can fix that with dental bonding. It repairs and prevents teeth from further damage. So, are teeth bonding appropriate for you? Let’s check.

What exactly is teeth bonding?


Dental bonding is a dental process in which the chipped or cracked teeth are repaired. You can also go through this procedure if you have yellow teeth or gaps between teeth.

In the bind, resin composite is used to take the place of the cracked teeth to make them appear as good as possible.

Different from the crown that is used for filling, the color of the resin composite will be just like the color of your original teeth. So, you will receive a natural look.

If you have a little chipped tooth and think it is not that big, then think of it again. There are many patients who feel the same and mostly end up damaging their minor chipped tooth a lot. So, if you have a small crack on your tooth, get it checked and if required, get dental bonding.

Bonding teeth will aid you in chewing and is overall good for your oral health.

Is teeth bonding the best?


You can get tooth bonding if you have a chipped tooth that is not so severely decayed.

Understand that bonding is only for minor injuries, and by chance, if you have lost most of your teeth or a couple of teeth, opt for a teeth implant. In a dental implant, the whole and the root are replaced with an implant and a porcelain crown.

You might also get dental bonding if you are satisfied with your natural teeth’ color. If you are thinking of whitening your teeth, then remember to get the whiting process done before your teeth bonding process with professional dentists. If you whiten your teeth after the procedure, the natural teeth and the bonding will be of a different color.

The dentist will choose a bonding color similar to the natural teeth. So, if the natural enamel color changes, they would be easy to differentiate, making it look weird.

What does teeth bonding consist of?


Teeth bonding is a simple process and does not require anesthesia until you need a filling or if the shape of your tooth is to be altered. One more condition in which you may get anesthesia is when the chip in your tooth is near a nerve because the dentist might bump on it, and it may cause pain.

In the first stage, a perfect composite resin is chosen that matches the color of your teeth. A chart is used by the dentist to select the color appropriately.

The composite resin is bonded right next to the existing tooth. It is initiated by roughing the surface, and then the bonding agent is applied over it. The surface is made bumpy to make it easier for the liquid and compound to glue together.

Then the dentist adds the resin composite to that zone and blends it to restore the impairment. After all this, UV light is used. It’s absolutely fine if you have thought that it wasn’t perfect the first time. Just get to your dentist and tell them about it and they will mold it or reshape it further even if the resin dries out.

The risks of getting teeth bonding

Honestly speaking, there is no risk involved in tooth bonding. It is a safe and straightforward procedure. Different from the veneers, here, the dentist usually doesn’t drill down in your tooth. So, by chance, if a patient damages the dental bonding or the resin composition, then they can get it fixed without the fear of having weird-looking teeth.

Compared to the veneers and crowns, the resin composite is much stronger.

Taking care of bonded tooth


Remember that there’s nothing stronger than your natural enamel and teeth, not even the resin composite. So, even if you get teeth bonding, you will still have to take good care of your teeth.

Taking good care of teeth can be done by avoiding things like biting ice or pens. If you eat hard food or candies, then you will have to cut off their intake too. You may reduce their intake but avoiding them will be the best option.

Also, remember that resins are not for resisting long-term stains or enamel. Instead, you may face teeth discoloration if you don’t take care of them and drink a lot of red wine or coffee or even if you smoke a lot.

Whitening the resin composition is not possible. So, by chance, if a patient tints them, then they will be stuck with it until they are replaced, or the patient chooses the veneer route.

Ready for a perfect smile now?


Now you might have a clear answer to the most common question – “what is dental bonding.” Remember that our natural teeth are already strong but also, but they can also get damaged, and teeth bonding is just a process to fix the cracks and chips and gaps in teeth.

If you are looking for dental bonding, you can get your dental bonding in Whittier at Brian Choi, DMD, and John K. Sudick, DDS which are pleased to provide a comprehensive range of general dentistry services.. Check out their online site and call them if you want to know more.

The process is long-lasting, painless, and can be completed in a single appointment. Remember to ensure before the operation that you are happy with the color of your teeth or else whiten them beforehand.