If you are thinking about studying for your next law school admission test, or you have already started studying you might be feeling overwhelmed with all the information. But that is okay because everyone preparing for the LSAT feels that way at one point.

If you want to ace your LSAT then be sure to follow our top tips to be prepared for the studies for the forthcoming test.

1.    Register the LSAT

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Your first step to prepare your LSAT is to pick an LSAT date that will work best for you and register for the LSAC. This step is very important because when registering for the LSAT you will be putting a lock to the test date and you will not be able to delay your studies telling yourself that you have enough time. Knowing how much time you have left between you and the LSAT date will make it easier to cancel and deny all those invitations to parties and vacations.

2.    Clear your calendar

Ideally, you should be planning your studies to last about 2 or 3 months. During these few months, you should be studying about 3-4 hours a day for at least 3 to 4 days a week. There is no way around it- this is simply the only way to prepare for LSAT. The preparation for this test is like taking a whole new course for your semester. The only way to successfully prepare your LSAT is by clearing every schedule from your calendar. Check if you have enough time to dedicate it to your studies. You do not want to find out just a few weeks before the test that you will not have enough time to prepare.

3.    Consider an LSAT tutor

There are millions of books, guide, manuals and LSAT prep courses that can help you prepare for the LSAT. This means there are many ways to get help for the preparation, but a private LSAT tutor might offer you some benefits which you can’t get anywhere else. A tutor offers you their undivided one-on-one attention while also having flexible scheduling. This kind of personal attention from the tutor can help you through many unclear things much easier than an LSAT prep course or prep books.

If you are thinking of preparing your LSAT courses by yourself, we recommend that you check out the private tutor Jon Paul Tutor

4.    Get the best study materials

Once you have decided what date suits you the best, it is time you decide which are the best study materials. You will need a few LSAT prep books if you want to prepare this test properly. In addition to the prep book, you should probably look for a prep course that suits you best. If you are having trouble with focus and discipline, a prep course will be of much help. However, if you want flexibility and you can handle a heavy studying schedule then preparing the LSAT at home might be a much better option. Either way, you should make this decision early.

If you are planning on taking the LSAT then make sure you check out our guide with tips on how to properly prepare for this test.