More commonly known as the wooden deck, the wooden patio is very popular in both large and small courtyards. As you may know, in order to use wood safely on outdoor structures and maintain its longevity, it will need to be treated.

In most cases, this will involve the application of a dye, a primer, and a paint. The paint can darken the surface of the wood, but it is an excellent option to give new life to an older surface or to give a new touch to a new surface. Now from PrizedReviews, we will get the best idea about deck paint and learn the best techniques to paint a wooden deck.

Here are the 5 steps to paint a patio:

1) Clean the Patio Surface

Before starting the painting step, be sure to clean the surface thoroughly. Be sure to attach nails or screw heads that have come loose over time. In addition, if you find large cracks in the wood surface, these should be filled before painting. This can be completed with an epoxy putty and then stained to match the surrounding deck boards. This step is especially important when working on a patio or staircase that will be in place for several years.

If your patio is very dirty, deep cleaning with a cleaning product will be necessary. If this is not the case, a simple dusting with a wet cloth and a small broom will suffice. If cleaning has left the wood surface wet, allow it to dry before proceeding to the next step.

2) Sand the Boards of the Patio

When the surface is dry and clean, you will need to sand the surfaces. So what grit sandpaper for deck sanding? According to WoodworkingClarity, if the wood already has a coating layer on the surface, use 50 coarse sandpaper. This step is important because it helps to get rid of the previous dye or paint. In addition, it opens the pores of the wood and thus allows better adhesion of the new product to be applied. If the wood is still virgin (without paint, stain, etc.), use 100 or 120 grit paper instead.

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For your convenience, complete the task with an electric sandblaster. For this project, the team had to do two sanding to release the wood. In some cases, a stripper or scraper must be used to get rid of the old finishes. This step is especially important if the colorant (dye or paint) you are going to apply has a clear finish. If you leave defects on the surface of the wood, no matter how many dye or paint layers, they will show through.

3) Apply a Sealant on the Surface

As it is here to paint its wooden patio, it is recommended to use a primer to seal the wood. Although some paints already contain some, the application of a primer-sealer will increase the durability of the final result. This type of primer can be purchased at any hardware store or superstore that sells paint. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for application method and drying time.

4) Apply the Paint

When the sealant is dry, you can apply the paint. For this project, two coats of opaque paint with 100% acrylic water were applied using a roller for large surfaces and a brush for edges and corners. The drying time recommended by the manufacturer – on the back of the paint bucket – has been respected.

You can also cover your wooden patio with a sealer or stain instead of using paint. For dyeing, one to three layers are required depending on the product used. Use your personal judgment when deciding on the number of layers. Remember that paints and stains can dry differently than they look when applied.

5) Drying

When both topcoats are applied, allow drying for at least 24 hours depending on the temperature. To avoid having to do it all again because of bad weather before the end of the drying, watch the weather forecasts. Before you start this project, allow at least 24 to 48 hours of good weather for the product to dry well.

In addition, avoid painting if it is too hot: high temperatures reduce the adhesion of the paint. Thus, to optimize the result, take the time to do well each step and to respect the meteorological conditions, even if it will lengthen the duration of the works.