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There are various ways to market a business online, some of them include, PPC, email, content, social media platforms, CEO, the list goes on and on. However, digital marketing agencies can help you solve that challenge for you and they will allow you to focus on the work you are best at. But, choosing an agency can be quite time-consuming and overwhelming. There are thousands of companies that you can hire, so how do you decide on one? Well, in this article, you will be able to read what do digital agencies do, as well as how to choose the best one for your company.

What do marketing agencies do?

Online marketing agencies help companies get more sales by implementing different marketing strategies to attract your targeted audience and to improve your online image and presence. There are various services that these companies offer, and some of them include market research, Google ads, SEO, Facebook advertising, video, and mobile marketing, as well as content and email marketing.

Asking the right questions when looking for a company to hire

1. What are your company’s marketing requirements?

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The first step you should take is to figure out what your marketing needs are. Do you need a site designed? PPC, SEO? Analytics? Before you decide on the company you want to hire, you should know what your marketing needs are and what your goals are. Hence, you will know what type of service you will need from the digital agency, resulting in better results.

2. How does the agency run its business?

If the company you are looking to hire can generate good marketing results for themselves, that is a good sign that they will be able to do the same for you. Hence, if you are considering to hire someone for managing your blog, how does the company run their own blog? If you want to hire someone for social media platform promotion, how do they perform on their own social media accounts? Of course, you can do some research and verify these details and you could also ask the company. According to the experts from Inspira Digital Agency, reviews and the experience of previous customers are a good sign, but you should do some research on your own.

3. What are their KPIs?

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Most companies will track metrics, the number that may seem like they are important, but have no connection to generating sales for a business. For example, the number of “views” or “likes” that you get on a post are considered vanity metrics since it does not mean that it will boost sales. Here are some important KPIs or metrics in digital marketing: number of unique visitors, time spent on the website or social media platform, the traffic source numbers, the bounce rate, the cost per click, and the click-through rate.


When you are looking for an agency to hire, you should keep in mind that you will need to define your marketing needs before you start looking, verify how the agencies run their own business and how they understand the metric values, you should make sure that they can guarantee results, also, perhaps the most important things, make sure that you get what you are paying for – lower fees mean poorer service. Hence, these tips will make the whole process of hiring an agency less time and cost efficient, as well as less overwhelming for you.