Home Beauty & Style Turn Back The Hands Of Time With A Fibroblasting Treatment

Turn Back The Hands Of Time With A Fibroblasting Treatment

by Nina Smith

When it comes to getting older, the years can go by pretty quickly. One minute you are celebrating your 18th birthday, and the next you are left wondering how to spend your 40th. Life can quite literally flash before your eyes, and while there is a lot of joy involved in getting older, it can take its toll on your skin. 

Our skin goes through a lot every day and is constantly exposed to dirt, weather conditions, and acts as a barrier to protect your skin from everything it comes into contact with. Therefore, it is natural for your skin to deteriorate as your body grows older. Typical signs of ageing skin include wrinkles, loose skin, and age spots. No matter how normal these skin problems are as you get older, for many people they are damaging to their self-esteem.

This has led to a development of technological advancements in recent years in treatment options that can help your skin look young again. While some of these options include surgical procedures, such as facelifts, there are also non-surgical treatments such as fibroblast therapy which can reinvigorate your skin.

Here is everything you need to know about fibroblast treatment and how it can turn back the hands of time for your ageing skin.

What causes ageing skin?

Source: health.harvard.edu

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, you will never be able to completely avoid and escape the pigmentation, wrinkles, and loose skin that comes with growing old. However, there are ways that you can slow down the process.

Our skin ages as we get older, as our bodies slow down the production of collagen and elastin, which are the natural proteins we rely on to keep our skin firm and elastic. It is the fibroblast cells, which are responsible for the production of these proteins, and therefore it is important to stimulate these cells in other ways.

However, it is not only getting older than can cause the production of collagen to slow down, but it can also be caused by external factors such as exposure to UV sun rays, pollutants in the environment, and lifestyle habits such as poor nutrition.

Therefore, if you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your ageing skin and are sick of looking in the mirror to find deeper lines and wrinkles, then a fibroblast treatment could be exactly what you are looking for.

What is fibroblast therapy?

Fibroblast therapy is a new and innovative form of skin tightening treatment and is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to surgical facelifts. For many individuals, they don’t like the idea of invasive procedures on their skin. Whereas, fibroblast technology uses electric currents to create small scab-like dots on the skin as a way to cause micro-injuries to the skin. Throughout the procedure, the handheld device that is used to carry out the treatment doesn’t make any contact with the skin and instead hovers above it.

By creating micro-injuries to your skin, it triggers the fibroblast cells into springing into action to produce collagen to help heal the skin wound. Research has found that the thermal disruption caused by fibroblast therapy encourages tissue regeneration, causes skin tissue tightening, and stimulates fibroblast cell activity.

How can it help ageing skin?

Source: muhealth.org

Fibroblast treatments are beneficial to ageing skin as they are effective methods to brighten, tighten, and resurface the skin. This means that the new skin that is generated is tighter, has a smoother texture, and eliminates the appearance of wrinkles and lines. One of the most common signs of ageing skin is wrinkles in the eye, neck, and forehead area, which are the areas that fibroblast therapy is more effective. This makes the results of fibroblasting on ageing skin very successful.

What does fibroblast treatment involve?

Fibroblast therapy as a form of non-surgical skin tightening treatment is usually made up of a 3-step process. The first step is the use of electric currents to create the small holes in the dermis layer of the skin. The second step is the healing process that this stimulates that creates new rejuvenated tissue over the following 12-week period.

This then creates the third and final step of the process, which is the production of much-needed elastin and collagen that our skin loses, due to the ageing process. This injection of collagen and elastin helps to plumpen the skin’s structure, keeps it feeling soft, and reduces lines and wrinkles- sounds perfect doesn’t it!

Recovery time

Source: popsugar.com

However, it is important that you are aware of everything you need to know before undergoing fibroblast therapy as it is a procedure that requires causing small injuries to the top layer of your skin. During the treatment, Type 111 collagen is created which is essential when minimizing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and ageing. While the procedure itself usually only takes around an hour to complete, it can take a week or two before the small dots heal over as scabs and drop off.

During the healing process, the skin releases growth factors and forms new blood vessels, leaving skin plumper, tighter, and stronger post-treatment.

Fibroblast therapy is a great way to give your skin a new lease of life, and turn back the hands of time when it comes to anti-ageing facial treatment. However, it is crucial that the procedure is only ever undertaken by a trained aesthetician with full knowledge and expertise of the treatment.

If you are an aesthetician interested in offering fibroblast therapy as a form of anti-ageing facial treatment for your clients, then you can get full training from Plasma Pen. When on the lookout for the best wrinkle treatment, you should be sure to look into the time-travelling powers of fibroblast therapy. It offers skin tightening benefits without needing to go under the knife for invasive surgery. With a shorter procedure time than many other forms of treatment, and an easier and quicker recovery process you can enjoy the skin of your youth even as you get older.