Home Health Facelifting – Pros And Cons

Facelifting – Pros And Cons

by Edvard Berlusconi

People would call you insane if you’d told them there would be a non-surgical solution to facelifting a couple of decades along the road. However, it’s 2019 and non-surgical facelifting is very much real, and extremely popular, thanks to the constant advancements in medicine, technology, and science. Nowadays, you can tighten your skin without having to go under the surgical knife.

Non-surgical facelifting is called ultherapy. Ultherapy is a tightening treatment that uses ultrasound energy to make skin cells produce collagen, which helps reduce sag and restores your skin.

In this article, we are going to focus on the pros and cons of facelifting, so stick around as we’re going to provide valuable, first-hand, information.

Pro: Quick Treatment


Surgery is a very time-consuming process due to the various other things involved such as consultation with a plastic surgeon, preparation, procedure, and the recovery itself. The surgery itself could take anything from an hour to even the entirety of the day due to the complexity of the procedure you’re having.

Non-surgical facelifting, on the other hand, is a fairly quick and straightforward treatment that mostly involves a quick consultation with a plastic surgeon. The discussion with your plastic surgeon will focus mainly on the type of outcome you wish from the entire procedure, and whether or not the procedure is right for you. If you so choose to continue with the procedure, rest assured as the entire procedure takes no more than 60 minutes of your day.

Pro: Minimal Discomfort

According to SAestheticsClinic, a facelift Singapore clinic that performs a non-surgical facelift, this procedure is much more comfortable than the surgical method because there are no incisions involved. However, with all that said, some patients have reported tingling or slightly burning feeling whenever the ultrasonic device delivers the ultrasound energy on their skin. If you’re worried about discomfort or pain, make sure to ask your plastic surgeon for a topical anesthetic before the treatment. A topical anesthetic will numb the treatment area enough so that you won’t feel any pain.

Pro: Long-Lasting Results


The reason as to why non-surgical facelift is getting so much praise is the fact that it delivers long-lasting results. This type of treatment provides efficient results from a single treatment session that patients do not need another one. But, patients tend to perform non-surgical facelifting once a year in order to maintain results.

Con: It Can Take Time to See the Results


A non-surgical facelift is not perfect and one of the main drawbacks is the fact that it takes some time to see the final results. In some instances, depending on the type of facelifting procedure, results could take up to two months to become visible. Despite this, patents still may notice some improvements in aging signs right after the treatment itself.

Con: Not Effective With Significant Sagging

The biggest disadvantage when it comes to ultherapy is the fact that people with a significant amount of skin sagging will not be able to benefit from this non-surgical solution. As much as we praise it, it cannot help everyone. This type of skin tightening solution works best and is recommended, for people with mild to moderate amounts of skin laxity, or early signs of aging.