
Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, and one should be careful and cautious while doing so. Although it is fun to ride a motorcycle, accidents on a bike can also cause severe injuries, even death. We should all keep in mind a few essential safety measures while riding a motorcycle, or even a bicycle, to avoid accidents. Driving carefully, following traffic rules, and wearing a helmet may save your life in an accident.

Below, we will discuss some common motorcycle accident cases

1. Accidents due to left-turning vehicles


Many vehicles take left turns without properly signaling or yielding to oncoming traffic, which causes too many accidents. Sometimes, even motorcyclists either fail to notice a turning vehicle or provide a left turn signal which can lead to an accident.

This is one of the most common reasons for the sheer number of motorcycle accidents. Usually, a car or other vehicle collides with a motorcycle while the rider is:

  • Passing by another vehicle.
  • Trying to switch lanes in front or behind of another vehicle.
  • Turning or passing through an intersection.

Many hit-and-run accidents can be attributed due to left-turns. These types of crashes can cause severe injuries such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, amputations, broken bones, and wrongful death in extreme cases. Recovering from personal injuries can drain savings of the injured victim and their family through expensive medical treatment coupled with lost wages.

The Law Offices of Samuel Fishman can help you with your motorcycle accident. To gain more information about your injury case, contact an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer right away.

2. Accidents while switching the lanes


Changing lanes in a safe and proper way and doing so carefully are vital to your safety. However, you may experience an accident, even if you were driving carefully, especially if the other driver on the road made the wrong move while changing lanes. Often accidents result when a car tends to merge over into a lane while driving too closely beside another vehicle.

This improper merge can turn fatal if you do not pay extra attention to both sides, lines of sight, and blind spots. Motorcycles often turn in another vehicle’s blind spots, and this can lead to very severe accidents.

3. Head-on motorcycle collisions

Head-on collisions cause fatal injuries, and this type of crash can land you in a lot of trouble. When a car or any other vehicle collides with a motorcycle that is coming from the opposite side, in a fraction of a second, it can be crushed by the car. The extent of injuries in head on collisions is terrifying. Speed often plays a significant role in head-on collisions.

4.Motorcycle accidents while taking corner turns


Though motorcycles are an excellent way to travel on the road, taking sharp corner turns is still very risky and dangerous to make as a motorcyclist. Hence, motorcycle riders should be extra careful when making sharp corner turns. Many accidents have occurred where motorcyclists slid  due to leaves, water, sand, or debris, at the corner while taking the turn.

Tips To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

There are a number of preventative measures that you can take to prevent or avoid this type of accident. Try to anticipate the other driver’s next move on the road. Keep yourself at a safe distance from other vehicles. Following all safety measures, such as using protective gear, using and watching turn and hand signals, and being extra careful at intersections, can be a great way to avoid many common accidents.

Regardless of the type of incident, if you have been the victim of a motorcycle accident, you should speak with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to understand laws prevailing in your state and how to file a claim to compensate you for your losses.

1. Switching The Lane In The Wrong Way


Understanding the issue regarding blind spots is fundamental for motorcyclists. While driving, you must be able to see the mirror of the vehicle in front of you. Not just this, you must be able to see the driver’s face. This will mean that the other driver can see you.

Maintain your speed accordingly so that  you do not end up in another person’s blind spot. This way, you can stay within a driver’s line of sight which could help to prevent an accident. You should be very observant and proactive in this manner, especially in regard to larger or taller vehicles which tend to have a larger blind spot than smaller vehicles.

Other than this, look for certain signs for when a car or any other vehicle is changing the lanes;

  • Wheels start turning.
  • Turning signals/indicators are ‘ON’.
  • The driver is checking the mirror frequently.

2. Head-on motorcycle collisions

You must remember “Four Rs” to avoid head accidents;

  • Read the road in front of you/ahead.
  • Drive to the Right.
  • Reduce your driving speed.
  • Ride carefully every time.

There are very effective defensive tactics to avoid head-on collisions.

3. Slow In, Fast Out


Riding at a safe speed at corners should never be forgotten. Apart from this, a useful rule you must follow is, “Slow In, Fast Out.” Take a wide turn near the corners and keep your eye on the road. Pay attention to all the road signs and drive carefully.

It is always advisable to adopt a posture while riding on the bike. In case your  visibility is restricted, a motorcyclist needs to keep a check on the oncoming traffic. To avoid motorcycle crashes while turning at a corner, bikers can follow the bike in and bike out technique. This will enable you to get a clear view. You can also choose a gear beforehand that you will be using when turning a corner.

Consulting an injury lawyer can be very helpful

If you ever had a motorcycle accident due to another person’s fault, you would be wise to consult an attorney as early as possible. Whether other drivers or local authorities ignored the rules of the road or contributed to its dangerous condition; if someone else’s negligent behavior caused you to have an accident, you can file a claim.

Lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of traffic laws and rules, the eligibility criteria for compensation, the general cost of damages and types of information and documents to gather to prove the other person’s negligence for the accident, and all other essential details needed to prevail on a motorcycle accident case.

Our team includes experienced Philadelphia personal injury lawyers to help motorcyclists like you who were in an accident get compensation for all of your losses.