
You are at an online boat shop taking a look at some vessels for your next boating adventure. You plan to sail out with a couple of friends and family in the next two weeks, so you want to have a vessel that will fit the bill. After checking out several options, you still cannot figure out which one is best.

But then you see something – a catamaran. You are interested as you peruse catamaran dinghies, but have no idea as to what it is. Don’t you worry at all, for we have your back covered. Here is a quick guide for those who want to get into catamaran vessels.

What Is A Catamaran?


A catamaran is a boating vessel that has geometry stability. It has a pair of equal-sized hulls that assist with mobility and other utilities. This type of vessel has less volume and smaller displacement, unlike its singer-hull counterparts. In addition, it has hydrodynamic resistance that requires less power from the sails and motor system. What’s more, is that a catamaran boasts a wider stance. This aspect is wave-induced motion and heeling.

The design of a catamaran has been around for hundreds of years, and it is gaining more attention nowadays. Thousands and thousands of boating enthusiasts are transitioning to dual-hulled catamarans thanks to the several benefits it possesses. You can get your catamaran in online stores like A catamaran vessel can be utilized for several functions like its traditional counterpart. Here are some of these functions:

  • World cruising
  • Day sailing
  • Chartering
  • Fishing
  • Military purposes
  • Passenger emergency

The Advantages Of A Catamaran

1. Deck And Interior Space


Monohull boats have a wide area for storage and overall function. But the thing is that a catamaran with two hulls has a better and larger deck and interior space. You can even find catamaran vessels that house four to five cabins in a space less than forty feet in length! You might even be surprised that these large cabins have enough space for other facilities.

2. Stability

Another advantage of a catamaran vessel is stability. These boats utilize buoyancy on each side of the beams. This aspect provides improved balance and less roll. That means there is less risk of the boat rolling over from one side to another. You can count on this stability factor even when you are out on the high seas. This stability is unlike any that other hulls can provide.

3. Fuel Efficiency


Most catamaran vessels reduce water displacement and drag. That means you can rely on your boat to save on fuel for these factors.

4. Load Distribution

Catamarans have a rectangular shape. They use this shape to distribute the load evenly. That means passengers can stretch and go around with enough space to cover. You can and a couple of buddies can go to one side without worrying about the vessel capsizing. That is due to the catamaran’s stability feature that prevents such a predicament.

The Drawbacks

Like most things out there in the world today, a catamaran vessel is far from perfect. It also has its share of disadvantages. Here are some of them:

1. Space Consumption


Catamaran vessels are notorious for taking up docking space. So you might have a challenging time looking for such space. You might even have to pay a bit more to secure one.

2. Overloaded Performance

You can stack up tons and tons of things on a monohull vessel. You can do so without worrying about the boat going over or on its side. Plus, there is no power issue when placing too many things on such a boat. The same is not the case for a catamaran vessel. A catamaran vessel usually suffers from reduced performance once you burden it with too much load.

3. Slamming Deck

Catamaran dinghies have no trouble hitting the waters. The only thing is that it is not the same for their bridge deck. This portion of the vessel continuously slams onto oncoming waves. Such an occurrence might not have an effect on the boat in the short run. But it might be a problem once your vessel is a bit outdated or old.

4. Flipping Over


Like any boat out there, catamarans tend to flip over. The thing is that a catamaran is harder to correct once it does flip.

Renting Versus Buying

You have the option to rent out a catamaran vessel for your sailing needs. The thing is that you can do so before you purchase one permanently. In addition, renting out allows you to try out the boat.

That will let you check out whether that boat is for you or not. In addition, you get to save some precious cash. You can first rent out a boat to prepare your funds for the ideal vessel purchase. It allows you to canvass for other potential picks.

How About Costs?

Some people might consider this factor a disadvantage. Why? It is a fact that catamaran vessels cost way more than their single-hull counterparts. A brand new sailing catamaran will cost you at least $100,000. That is not even the flatline for the market. Some boats will be way more expensive.

But you are not only paying for the flair. You should also put into consideration the construction and the labor that comes in to create such a thing of beauty.

Another factor that hits the price is the materials. Catamaran vessels utilize way more materials than monohull boats. Such include an improved navigation system, automatic winches, controls, and others. So it is a must that you check out each option carefully before you spend your money on one.

Sail Away

Having a catamaran as a part of your lifestyle is rewarding. Not only will you get to enjoy the waters as you sail. You also get to bond with people who are with you on board. It also does not matter whether you rent one or get a new catamaran out from a shop. What matters most is that you enjoy it and have fun as you hit the waters out there. Happy sailing!