Economics is not an abstract science, but something that we encounter daily: while shopping or calculating a family’s budget for a month. By understanding simple economic laws, you will greatly facilitate your life. You will finally be able to understand what the essence of the global financial crisis is and how the global economy affects your life.
Take a look at these books by various American, Russian, and Asian authors. They will help you understand how the economy works.
1. “Economics: The User’s Guide” by Chang Ha-Joon

The Cambridge economist Chang Ha-Joon will sort through the entire modern economy. And he will make it entertaining, accessible, and witty. Even if you didn’t know anything about economics, after reading his book, you would know everything.
Chang offers only real examples and ideas that are not in textbooks on economics.
You will learn that economic theories permeate our entire lives. And more importantly, you will be given an insight into how the future of the European currency, inequality in China, the state of the industry in the United States affect your daily life.
2. “Kudrin’s System” by Evgeny Kudrin
This book is a unique journalistic investigation that will change your idea of modern Russia. The book is based on dozens of honest interviews with Russian ministers, politicians, officials, and entrepreneurs. And the others, all those people who created the future of the biggest country in the world.
The unknown side of Putin’s economic and political course, the true reasons for key decisions in the economy (from liberal reforms to the default of the 1990s, from Putin’s first reforms to national projects and the Sochi Olympics), forecasts of what lies ahead – in this book you will find answers to many questions that are not usually asked in the media.
3. “The Economy of Everything” by Alexander Auzan

Now, this is a book for those who do not understand what is happening in the world. It will help us understand the seemingly chaotic processes, understand what lies ahead, and think about whether we are living the right way.
You will see a different economic picture of the world. And you will get answers to many questions.
Why are people forced to duel, sometimes bribe traffic cops and never bargain in supermarkets? Why is it believed that the state can do everything that makes it related to a bandit, and how do we agree with it?
An entertaining language, many witty examples and unexpected conclusions await you on the pages of this book.
4. “The Future, Declassified: Megatrends That Will Undo the World Unless We Take Action” by Matthew Burrows
The author, a well-known analyst, offers 4 scenarios for the development of the future. In his book, Burrows will talk about what significant shifts and trends await us until 2030. Among them: unprecedented aging of the population, unrestrained urbanization, the growth of the middle class worldwide, the growth of the economic power of the East, new technologies.
Do you want to know what will happen tomorrow? If the answer is “yes,” then this book is definitely for you.
5. “From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965–2000” by Yew Lee Kuan

The modern nation of Singapore is a vivid example of the fact that anything is possible. This book was written by the man who, in a short time, turned the tiny island city of Singapore without natural resources into the admiration of many world powers.
Lessons in wisdom, useful examples, and advice from a person of outstanding ability will help everyone believe in themselves and understand that any dream can be turned into reality.
The book will be of interest to anyone interested in economics, politics, and the psychology of relationships. And also for those who do not believe that a backward state can quickly become advanced.
6. “The Science of Money: How to Increase Your Income and Become Wealthy” by Brian Tracy

Debating on the topic of money has been interesting and exciting at all times. When happiness and wealth are at stake, familiar mechanisms of analysis and critical thought are activated by themselves. Money has always been interesting to people. True, there is an abundance of false, “empty” information around finance, and this really hinders the knowledge of how to build up capital, invest correctly and not go bankrupt. The author of the novel talks about the whole science of money, with all its laws and regulations. He tries to teach the reader to navigate the “money” world, discarding everything unnecessary, and once and for all, highlighting the eternal “financial truths.” By utilizing the techniques and knowledge of money science in real life, you are sure to achieve a bright financial future!
7. “One on one with the stock exchange: Emotions under control” by Alexei Raton
A Practical Guide to Finance and Banking lets you learn how to manage your own emotions, tells you how to pull yourself together and not stick out when you are associated with high risks. The author shows how to get rid of fear and greed, not to fall into a psychological pit. Balance your psychological state. After all, this is what, in most cases, leads to good results of exchange trading. The material will be useful to those who are closely associated with bonds, stocks and who lack self-discipline. Here is the best psychology book on banking!
8. “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” by Thomas Piketty

The book’s author is an economist from France, takes the reader back to the beginning of the twentieth century, and proves that society has not learned anything. The main problems of the modern economy are the same as they were 100 years ago: taxes prevail over honest business, and a large concentration of capital in specific individuals can undermine the global economic system. But poverty has not disappeared: it has moved from the slums of megacities to third-world countries.
Instead of revolution (as Marx suggested), Piketty sees salvation in a global wealth tax. Moderating the appetites of a few thousand of the super-rich will dramatically increase overall wealth.
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To make a long story short, the world is an ever-changing place. And our economy is no different. Change is always present, but if it is for the better or worse, it remains to be seen. But reading any of the books on the list will help you understand money and finance better, that’s for sure! More information also you can find at