Accidents happen all the time and there’s not much you can do about it after the fact, but one thing that is within your powers is the ability to at least prevent them from taking place in the first place. Where pets and babies are involved, a lot of carnage can take place if the parent looks away even for a minute. So how do you deal with this situation? How do you ensure that no harm comes to either the baby or the pet in question? The following are some of the preventive measures you can take.
1. Have the Pet Checked by the Vet

It is protocol to have the pet to be checked as regularly as possible by a vet officer. This is to keep the pet healthy at all times so that in the vent they accidentally scratch the baby, no dangerous diseases are transmitted to the toddler. Cats especially are very notorious with scratches and should be vaccinated and dewormed before they are allowed to come into contact with the baby.
If you find yourself in a situation where the baby is hurt by the pet, you should rush them to the hospital as soon as you can. You can also check out for any pointers on how to quickly administer first aid as you rush to the doctor.
2. Never leave them in the Same Room Unattended
Bad things happen the moment you turn your eyes away from the baby and the pet and the worst thing you can do is to leave them unattended in the same room. It doesn’t matter how much you trust the pet, anything can trigger an attack on the baby. Most times these attacks are triggered when the baby grabs the wrong part of the pet’s body, the tail for the cat for instance. If they have to stay in the same room, ensure the design of the house can accommodate a kennel or a cat cage.
For more ideas on how you can make the baby’s room safe for them, check out the blog page for more tips.
3. Feed the Pet

Never leave your cat, dog or whatever animal you choose to keep hungry for too long. Hunger causes stress levels to go high and that may trigger an unprovoked attack on the baby. Feeding the pet well also makes them healthy and disease free which minimizes the risks of transmitting anything undesirable to the baby. Always buy reputable pet food from well-known brands; you can always get that information when you check online anytime you have time.
4. Sanitize the Baby
Babies have no sense of danger and simply do what they feel like, for example, putting anything they touch into their mouths, including the same hands that they have used to touch the pet with. As much as cleaning your dog or cat regularly is good, that doesn’t make them 100% safe. Once the baby has touched the cat or dog, make sure you clean their hands with water or a hand sanitizer. There are countless sanitizers out there that are baby safe. To know more about these baby safe sanitizing products, click here and get all the information you need on the spot.
5. Don’t force the Relationship

The mistake many people assume is that babies and pets will take to each other on the spot without considering the fact that both parties may have different personalities not suited for such company. Some pets become stressed when around people and the only way they can show this is through attacks. The same applies to babies, it may be that they are not comfortable being around hairy animals. You as the parent have the sole responsibility to figure these things out as quickly as you can. Let the baby grow up and make those decisions on their own later on.
6. Don’t Neglect the Pet
It comes as a surprise to many people when they learn that pets have feelings and that they can tell when they are not wanted. Neglecting your dog and cat can have devastating impacts on their mental state and this could be one of the things that may trigger an attack. For the sake of harmony around the house, spend some time with the pet when you can to forge that bond among all the members of the house. Take them out for a walk if it’s a dog or simply cuddle them up if you are dealing with a cat. That contact helps a lot.
7. Train the Pet

Dogs are easily trained to the point where they can be baby protectors instead. Take time to model the behaviors of your dog slowly until it understands what is wrong and what is right. It should be able to respond to commands on the spot and be made to understand that a toddler is helpless on their own. The same should also be extended to the babies. Once they are able to discern things, teach them how to treat pets right to avoid a clash.
8. Encourage Fun Activities
You can improve the bonding of your baby and furry friend by encouraging fun activities. While shopping for your baby, you can also check some latest dog apparel designs on Buy different pet accessories and toys and let your baby and pet enjoy them.
You can get some toy blocks so both can have fun playing with them. But never leave them unattended with such items to avoid any undesirable event.
Pets are necessary around the house, with or without babies around. They can be trained and make for good company. However, they are still animals and anything can happen if caution is not exercised. As a parent, it is your role to be on the lookout every time the baby and the pet come into contact so stand a chance of stopping some unwanted things from taking place.